Delaware Liberal

Greg Lavelle: His (Ass) Holiness of the Year

Monsignor  (and Representative) Greg Lavelle, tireless defender of pedophile priests and the dioceses that protect them, has worked his law ‘n order Jones into a Santorum-like creamy froth over the greatest danger to America today. Yep, the Occupy Delaware protestors. Let’s just enjoy this Rethug Attack Dog waxing rabid over this issue:

The state’s decision not to evict the protesters brought scorn from House Minority Leader Gregory F. Lavelle, R-Sharpley, who drove by the park a few times as the sun set.

“Is Selander crazy?” Lavelle asked. “By their ‘vote,’ they have given Delaware and its law-abiding citizens the Bronx cheer.

“The law needs to be enforced. No more excuses. No more political coddling. Clear Fletcher and revoke the political decision to let them ‘camp’ in Brandywine Park.”

Apparently secure in his belief that pedophile priests were not busy at that hour cuddling up with unwilling altar boys, Monsignor Lavelle ‘drove by the park a few times’ to, what, exactly? Wait for a reporter so that the Serial Bloviator could give a quote to the papers? Mission accomplished.

OK, Greg, I’ll bite (no, no, don’t get excited, you racy pedophile priests, you…). Political coddling? You want political coddling? In addition to your pals, the pedophile priests, how about the banks that engineered the clusterfuck of our economy? How about the lobbyists whose businesses you fight for in Dover in diametric opposition to the Public Good? That is political coddling.

Those forces of greed and corruption (along with the forces of sexual depravity  you so wholeheartedly protect) are the reason for the protests. Non-violent protests using time-honored techniques of civil disobedience.

Greg Lavelle’s solution? Mass arrests.

The year is not yet over. But his unholy body of work has already earned Monsignor Greg Lavelle the “His (Ass) Holiness of the Year” Award.

Learn from the good works of your pedophile priest buddies, and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

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