Delaware Liberal

Smackdown – Round 2

In today’s main event, we find House Majority Leader Pete Schwartzkopf knocking the white shoe polish off of St. Bodie Girl’s high heels.

The purpose of this letter is not to render judgment. I want to comment on what was said after the night in question. I was stunned to hear one of the GOP leaders, Eric Bodenweiser, go on the radio and proclaim that this kind of action was “great publicity for the Republican Party.”

He said quite a few things that morning that I found to be incredibly alarming. He made light of the physical altercation saying, “That’s how we settle things” in Sussex. Having been a police officer in our state for 25 years, that is not only unacceptable, but you have to wonder what kind of message he is sending to the kids of our county — if someone disagrees with your position, then just duke it out? We are better than that.

St. Bodie Girl has shown his true colors – that of a violent moron. I guess he thinks that the Sussex GOP is more manly because they take their disagreements outside to settle.

Then I read The News Journal article on Oct. 29 that said: “One GOP leader suggested Friday that Phillips should offer Christopher a deal: Give the sheriff what he seeks politically… in exchange for Christopher’s not pressing charges.” Also, “If I was the county councilman… right now I’d be looking to get this thing taken care of. I’d say, ‘Gee, Jeff, what is it going to take to get this going away?’ ‘Well, how about some training and certification for my deputies? What about some squad cars?’ ” said Eric Bodenweiser, chairman of the 37th District Republican committee, on a local talk radio show. “Sometimes business gets done this way.”

Yeah, St. Bodie Girl suggested, live from Jimmy’s Grill in Bridgeville, that Vance Phillips bribe the sheriff with new cars and training to “make this go away.”

We always knew that St. Bodie Girl was a bit crooked. But to publicly advocate for one elected official to bribe another is beyond belief. He has (had) plans to challenge Joe Booth again for the Senate seat next year. My guess is that St. Bodie Girl has shot himself in those high heels once again.

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