Funny, He Doesn’t Look Jewish

Filed in National by on November 12, 2011

So Now we know that Herman Cain actually listens to the voices inside his head.

Cain said he finally realized after much praying that G-D was saying that he needed to enter the presidential race. He compared his situation to Moses, who in the Bible initially questions whether G-D has chosen the right person to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

Herman, I knew Moses. Moses was a Jewish prophet of mine. Herman, your no Moses. (with apologies to Lloyd Bentsen)

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (95)

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  1. donviti says:

    You know moses huh? So your extreme religious beliefs are ok…but Herman’s…well, they’re ripe for mocking. If you are going to mock someone’s religious experience, make sure you note that you edited the excerpt describing their religious experience from the article you link to please. and please point out why you edited it out by pointing out that your religious nuttery is worried you will rot in limbo b/c you type the word GOD out. even though here, you didn’t type it.

    who knew that not only can you not TYPE the word God, you can’t cut and paste it in your post? What did Moses say to you about html’ing God in a blog?

    a little accuracy please, when practicing your fundamentalism.

    Shalom hypocrite

  2. MJ says:

    DV – with all due respect, go fuck yourself. It’s no wonder you were fired from this blog, asshole. 🙂

  3. donviti says:

    can’t spell out my name either? interesting.

    I’m not an asshole I’m just mocking your relgion. Wait? kinda like you did to Herman?

    wait, no, what you did is different. Right…..lmao.

  4. donviti says:

    so really you can’t cut and paste the Word God either?

    fucking weird man.

    I may be an asshole, but I strive to make sure people don’t alter content and not point out they did. like it or not, you should note that you changed God to g-d even if you have to get a gentile to note that you did it.

    now that’s a work around for you.

    if you looked up irony or hypocrite in the dictionary, this post has to be right up there for both.

  5. MJ says:

    not weird at all if you understood one iota about Judaism.

    Now, put the bottle down and go change the baby’s diaper. Or is it your Depends that need changing?

  6. donviti says:

    you going to note that you changed the content of an article? I don’t care one iota about judiasm. What I care about is you changed the content of an article b/c of your own religious extremism and didn’t annotate that you changed it.

    My son is potty trained thanks though. Sorry if I touched a religious zealot nerve on you MJ. I’m just striving for accuracy. Especially when you mock someones religious experience as you did. Then change the content of an article b/c of your own fanatical beliefs.

    The O isn’t the only thing missing in this post for sure….

  7. anonone says:

    Kinda funny when religious extremists taunt each other. MJ versus Cain. Cracken’ me up.

  8. donviti says:

    and maybe if you took the time to understand Herman, his religion and his experience would be ripe for mocking. Strange though, how your beliefs are just honky dory…Herman though (picture me taking my hand to my ear with my pointer finger in a circular notion) Herman’s crazzzzzzzE!

    hypocrite what?

  9. donviti says:

    A1, MJ’s normal what do you mean.
    He’s just worried he will go to a no-no scarey-bo-bo place b/c his religious prophet that supposedly lived to like 500 years old said using the Word God in between HTML coding on a blog post is a sin.

    don’t be an asshole will ya

  10. MJ says:

    ya know, if either of you had anything thing to say worth listening to, you’d have more readership over at that “blog” of yours instead of trolling around here.

  11. donviti says:

    Dont worry homey, they aint coming here to read you either my brother. You’re like the content on MSNBC on the weekends.

    basic citing dictates you note you changed the content…even God knows that. You don’t have to listen. No one read’s your posts anyway.

  12. MJ says:

    Obviously you do, so you must be no one!

    Say Goodnight, Gracie.

  13. Republican David says:

    “Herman, your no Moses.” True. Herman never killed anyone and had to live in exile. The greatness of a man is not found by looking at their weaknesses, but looking to how they marshall their strengths to overcome those weaknesses for the good of humanity.

  14. donviti says:

    oh what makes this exercise all the more fun is god knows I’m 100% right on my point of you editing content. And what makes it even better was the chance to Mock MJ’s fanaticism after he got done mocking some one talking about a religious experience.

    God damn if there wasn’t some joy in that?

    “Say Goodnight,Gracie” Here I thought you would have gone with a Streisand or Liza quote…

  15. MJ says:

    Well, DV, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong. Bye-bye (hiccup), loser.

  16. MJ says:

    RD – so did he use that great strength of his to feel up his female colleagues at the National Restaurant Association? Guess he was looking for the weekly blue-plate special.

  17. donviti says:

    I thought you said goodnight? You can’t quit me huh…and it’s donviti, my religion dictates you spell it out.

  18. MJ says:

    Your religion, dv, is a bottle of 80 proof. I doubt it dictates anything but a hangover the next day.

  19. Republican David says:

    My position has been posted for a while MJ. I believe there is a moral as well as a legal statue of limitations.

  20. anonone says:

    Ridiculing somebody who is sober and in recovery from a life or death addiction is pretty low, even for you, MJ. Perhaps your god loves such cruelty, but as a human being, I think it sucks.

  21. Republican David says:

    GOD speaks to all of us MJ. Among other ways, The Voice of the LORD is the expressed in the cry in our heart to be like Him. It is the cry to love GOD and your fellow man, it is the cry to be the best, it is the cry that says you matter and need to build community. It is in the cry that says I want to be born. I want to live. The cry of the eternal in each of us expressed in I don’t want to die. He speaks to every person and calls us to greatness, to righteousness, and to love. We are created for greatness in His image. It is up to us to choose whether we stay fallen from greatness or rise above it, will we chain our fellow man down or embrace redemption? That is the choice.

  22. Liberal Elite says:

    @RD “That is the choice.”

    There’s an easier choice. Simply to not believe in any religious drivel. People should leave lives free of superstition. It makes it possible to make rational decisions and to get away from deeply flawed list-based morality.

  23. Republican David says:

    Your belief is irrelavent. The Truth is the same. You can choose to listen to the better angels or the follow down the path downward. We either strive for greatness or are doomed to the lcd.

  24. Liberal Elite says:

    Look… Belief in God is an intellectual error. No true intellectual really believes in God. Grasping for non-existent ‘greatness’ is simply pathetic.

  25. Aoine says:

    @RD “your belief is irrelvant” interesting take coming from a christian:

    I BELIEVE David that you are a sexist, mysogynonist pseudo-intellectual that needs the crutch of religion to base your views on.

    Time after time I have read your posts defending the dehumanizing of women and the relegation of women to little more than the objects of men’s fantasies and baby incubators.

    Sure, you may support Conservtive women politicians – but only if they are pretty,and know their place.

    I BELIEVE RD that you need to drop your plantation mentality about G-D and women and come into the 21st century.

    As far as Anonone’s faux outrage at DV – hey, he opened the door to ridicule – oh well, its hot in the kitchen.

  26. MJ says:

    oh, so A1, you can mock somebody for what you believe is a weakness, but your god buddy who gave you a space to air your bullshit is off limits? FAIL!

  27. MJ says:

    David, so does G-D have your cell phone number or are these conversations via Skype?

  28. donviti says:


    it is pretty low how MJ goes actually. Especially a G-D fearing man such as he is. But, as much as he likes to attack my character it just highlights his too. I am sober, working on it day in and day out can chalk up a lot of my previous behavior to an addiction I ignored and didn’t want to face. Perhaps I deserve being attacked. But, it ain’t one sided and MJ’s self righteous behavior is a soaring character defect I’ve learned a lot about the past few months.

    there’s low blows and then there are MJ’s

  29. MJ says:

    DV, let me call you a wahmbulance. As Aoine state, if you can’t take the heat, STFU.

  30. donviti says:

    I rest my case

  31. MJ says:

    You had no case. You can dish it out but you can’t take it? Typical hypocrite, but that has been your MO for a long, long time. Go play in traffic with A1.

  32. puck says:

    I liked it better when you were arguing about restaurants.

  33. MJ says:

    Puck, I did, too. But if DV and A1 and the other munchkins from that “blog” want to be pricks, well, they’re going to have to suffer the consequences.

  34. donviti says:

    You have a lot of anger for a god fearing jewish gay guy MJ. Sorry you cant take a little mocking…after mocking someone elses religious experience. I can take plenty of heat my little rabble rouzing rehoboth socialite. Your replies to me seems to say you can’t

  35. MJ says:

    If you can take mocking, why were you crying so much? And why did you have to get your buddy A1(none) to chime in? Like I said, let me call you an wahmbulance.

    And if you want to call me a faggot, at least have the balls and do it. Don’t dance around it, chicken shit.

  36. anonone says:

    For the record, the silence of certain other DL bloggers (cough *pandora* cough) regarding these classless comments by MJ ridiculing the deep and personal struggle of a recovering alcoholic is exhibit “A” of the double-standard that they use when they criticize other commenters and bloggers for comments far less personal and far less offensive.

    But since MJ is such a pious person that he can’t write the word “god,” I guess his words like “go fuck yourself” are just a reflection of his faith. Just like Cain’s word are a reflection of his faith.

  37. MJ says:

    Not at all, A1, they are a reflection of the lack of respect I have for anything you or DV have to say.

  38. anonone says:

    Actually, your words reflect the lack of respect that you have for yourself.

  39. socialistic ben says:

    herman cain is a novelty. I wish we could ignore this primary process and focus on things that dont have a pre-determined outcome. Romney will be the nominee….. that prediction is getting more and more obvious. the funny thing is, he doenst have a base other than the staff of the RNC… but they tell their flock how to think and how to vote. All the rest of this stuff is distraction.

    dv, congrats on your sobriety. I know it is a very difficult thing. best of luck.

  40. MJ says:

    Can’t come up with anything better than that, A-0?

  41. liberalgeek says:

    MJ – you do realize that the Old Testament (as the Christians call it) is part of the Christian tradition, just like the New Testament? Granted, a lot of the laws are thrown out (which is why Christians are allowed to have yummy pulled pork and can wear blended fabrics).

    Also, are you suggesting that Moses was hearing voices in his head?

  42. Steve Newton says:

    The outstanding feature of this, and other such “discussions,” is MJ’s continuing hypocrisy and venality.

    In the thread on the circumcision issue in California several weeks back he whined that the First Amendment did not give anyone the right to mock his religious beliefs.

    He, on the other hand, is fully empowered to mock everyone else’s (i.e. Herman Cain).

    On multiple occasions he has condemned other bloggers for using Nazi/Holocaust references in modern political debates, pontificating that such references should be out of bounds because they diminish and desecrate the memory of the Shoah.

    He, on the other hand, is free to liken political opponents to kapos in the death camps and/or brownshirts and Nazis.

    For the specific links, please see

    MJ never actually deals with substantive arguments against his positions, such as the fact that he did alter the quotation of the story about Cain.

    Instead he elevates the discussion immediately whenever challenged by calling his critics assholes, alcoholics, or incontinent.

    I particularly like this one: But if DV and A1 and the other munchkins from that “blog” want to be pricks, well, they’re going to have to suffer the consequences.

    The “consequences” are apparently being called scatalogical names by an angry hypocrite. I suspect that both DV and A1 can live with that.

    He is the only Delaware blogger who makes both donviti and jason look like silver-tongued diplomats.

    Oh, and by the way, MJ, you knew Moses, huh?

    Cite a single piece of historical evidence outside the Pentateuch corroborating the fact that he ever existed.

  43. MJ says:

    Steve – can you provide actual links to the quotes that supposedly I wrote? And can you disprove that Moses existed?

    LG – I believe the story of the Exodus from Egypt.

  44. liberalgeek says:

    Not the question, actually. If Herman is listening to the voices in his head, was Moses? Or was Moses really hearing God, and Herman is nuts?

  45. Geezer says:

    “I believe the story of the Exodus from Egypt.”

    That’s nice, but there is again no record outside those kept by the Hebrews themselves that any of it happened. The Egyptians, excellent keepers of their own written history, record nothing concerning any of the events described.

    It is no more possible to prove that Moses never existed than it is possible to prove the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy never existed.

  46. Delaware Dem says:

    Anonone wonders why other DL bloggers are not jumping into this absolutely ridiculous fight. MJ, Donviti and Anonone are enjoying themselves in this, and I see no reason at all to get involved.

  47. anonone says:

    Here is what MJ wrote less than a month ago about Steve Newton:

    “Ah, just what we need, another munchkin kicking around in the blogosphere to play amongst the grownups.”

    This “munchkin” is a Ph.D. professor who has written 6 books, including 2 about World War II.

    How many books have you written, MJ?

    I know grownups, MJ, and you’re no grownup.

  48. Jason330 says:

    “Comment by donviti” Can there be a more concise invitation to ignore a thread?

  49. Delaware Dem says:

    Neither are you Anonone.

  50. liberalgeek says:

    Rubber, glue, repeat ad nauseum

  51. anonone says:

    I don’t wonder why, Del Dem. I know why. I am just pointing out the ugliness that MJ routinely expresses on Delaware Liberal. If you’re going to endorse this type of garbage discourse by one of your own bloggers, then any criticisms of commenters for the “tone” of their comments is just hypocritical.


    Your purist friend.

  52. anonone says:

    He started it. 🙂

  53. Delaware Dem says:

    Anonone, since you share a blog with someone who also spouts ugliness on an hourly basis, then I suppose you too likewise endorse it.

    That is why this is the most ridiculous argument to ever occur here. NONE of you have the high ground, and yet you are all arguing it over it.

  54. donviti says:

    Thanks for coming out of your ivory tower jason. Keep the guy accusing people if being anti semites around…he’s a goodin

  55. donviti says:

    Awesome….yoy hear that BJ? DD called you ss big an asshole as me! G-D damn!

  56. anonone says:

    What is this “ugliness on an hourly basis” you speak of? Who does that? Cripes, we struggle to get a post up on a daily basis.

  57. socialistic ben says:

    La Tolteca is the best Mexican joint in delaware.

  58. MJ says:

    SB – Pup N Taco is the best Mexican joint in the US. 🙂

  59. socialistic ben says:

    YOU SIR, ARE AN ASS HAT! PunNTaco, or whatever gay, nazi, communist, redneck hang you are trying to take away my children’s freedoms with will NEVER feed me or my family!!!!!!

  60. Delaware Dem says:

    La Tolteca is the best. Ben is right

  61. Jason330 says:

    Americanized Mexican food. Blah..

  62. cassandra_m says:

    Which is why Delawareans looking for outstanding Mexican food head over to Taqueria Moroleon just on the PA side of Rt 41.

  63. Dana Garrett says:

    I can’t believe that MJ called me a munchkin when I’ve said nothing on this thread. There is no doubt about it. He’s out of control.

  64. MJ says:

    Well Dana, you lie down with dogs……..

  65. Dave says:

    I really like the chicken soup at La Tonalteca. The rest of it is somewhat better than I typically find on the East Coast that substitutes for Mexican cuisine. I am sure there are some excellent places but in my experience most of them are west of the Rockies.

  66. Steve Newton says:

    MJ I provided the link in my original comment. Follow it.

  67. Dana Garrett says:

    Ah, so it’s guilt by association. That’s a fallacy often resorted to by various types of fundamentalists.

  68. donviti says:

    so let me get this straight I would like to list some of the things out as I see them.

    BJ edit’s a post b/c he’s fearful that his God will smite him in some way.

    However, that same god he fears so much to NOT write or even cut and paste his full name is ok with him calling an asshole and mocking his alcoholism.

    That guy (me) then mocks the wingnut for mocking a wingnut even further and also says, “Hey wingnut you edited a post b/c of your fundementalism please notate it”

    That fanatic so afraid of HIS god then says I’m wrong and that it’s ok to edit a post.

    A guy from my blog, actually 3 rip into BJ, but he holds fast even though he’s wrong on the editing part.

    Now, b/c people write at the same blog as me, they are assholes regardless b/c they write at my blog.

    So, I guess it’s ok to assume that everyone HERE at DL are assholes and wingnuts. I also guess DL is ok with editing another articles content and not stating they did so.

    I also guess, that b/c instead of siding with anyone, that they tried to change the thread b/c well they don’t want to give our blog any further coverage.

    But, it stands to reason that MJ has once again set precedent at DL. He now not only accuses people of being Anti Semites faster than Al Sharpton screams racism. He also edits content and feels no need to notify us of it.

    Jason in all his glory can swoop in and try to lead his cast of merry men into not giving us more time, but all he does/did is remind more readers of the problem with DL and BJ specifically.

    There is no difference between BJ and David Anderson. DL is nothing but wingnut blog supporting a jewish cabal of openly gay socialites.

    Sorry LG, you lay with gay guys…so well if mimosa tastes right…

    and La Tolteca is a joke. Try the joint on the corner of Dupont and Md Avenue right across from the Dunkin Donutes. Get a clue morons…

  69. donviti says:

    Oh and I talked to a jewish friend of mine (not black though, that would’ve been a bonus) he had no problem writing out GOD and said you could geta different answer from 10 Rabbi’s.

    He also said he had no idea what the punishment is but it’s like taking the lords name in vain.

    Also, Jews don’t believe in Hell, so the “penalty” for typing out God is, well, nil. The only thing that happens to you is…NOTHING.

    So, for whatever reason you choose to leave out the mighty O it only further proves you’re a crackpot.

    I’m catholic anyway, so from what I remember in catholic school you are going to hell for not believing in Jesus. So, Omit the “O” all you want…it don’t matter you’re still a sinner.

    OH and lastly, I talked to David and he said you’re an idiot…and well David…he know’s idiots.

  70. MJ says:

    Drunkard – are you a masochist? You seem to be since you keep coming back here to get your ass kicked. And you trying to tell me or any other Jew how to practice their faith is offensive. It would be akin to me telling Mormons that their communion is phony because they use white bread and water instead of wine and wafers blessed by someone.

    Read this – and this

    As for differing opinions, the old joke told in my family was that you could get 10 Jews in a room together and get 20 opinions.

    BTW, I’m hardly a socialite.

  71. JustSomeGuy says:

    The Mexican joint that Donviti refers to is the Burrito Bandito a great place Complete with a shrine to the Blessed virgin by the cash register. I have however been shy about trying the organ meat tacos:).
    As to this “Conversation” the peeps who run this operation might want to look how close they have become to the rethug counterpart. If you want that you’ve pretty much got it:)

  72. socialistic ben says:

    JSG… the Tripe tacos at Burrito Bandito are AWESOME. that place is fantastic, the people who own/run it are some of the nicest i have ever met.

  73. MJ says:

    And I still stick by Pup ‘n Taco. Where else can you get hotdogs, tacos, tamales, and pastrami sandwiches under one roof?

  74. MJ says:

    Oh, and Drunkard, take a look at this and this (from the Chabad Lubavitch sect of Orthdox Judaism). Even better, try googling “Jews writing G-D’s name.”

  75. MJ says:

    And to finish off your reading, go back and read this from this past June –

  76. JustSomeGuy says:

    Mocking a persons status weather its alcoholism other diseases preferences etc is, i thought, beneath this discourse.

    I dunno about tripe but the place is great!

  77. anonone says:

    Nothing is beneath the discourse for MJ. Steve Newton totally exposes MJ’s hypocritical self here:

    It is too funny.

  78. MJ says:

    Wow, two plugs from the Lollipop Guild for Newton’s blogpost. Guess that’s the only way you can get it read is by posting links on other blogs.

    And for the record, I don’t give a rat’s ass what Newton or the rest of you think of me. I don’t lose any sleep over it.

  79. anonone says:

    Of course you wouldn’t lose sleep over it. Committing lashon hara is just too much fun for your pious self.

  80. MJ says:

    Leave it to a goy (I’m just guessing A-None is a goy) to interpret lashon hara by using Wikipedia. My former boss at work lost an EEO case I filed against him because he used Wikipedia to claim I was not observing the Jewish High Holy Days correctly.

  81. anonone says:

    There are lots of other places that one can look up the interpretations of lashon hara. The Wikipedia one seems to be a good summary of how Jewish Scholars interpret it. But, of course, you’re just trying to dodge the fact that you routinely commit this most serious sin of Jewish Law called lashon hara.

    Perhaps this link from would help:

    “The gravest of these sins of tale-bearing is lashon ha-ra (literally, “the evil tongue”), which involves discrediting a person or saying negative things about a person, even if those negative things are true. Indeed, true statements are even more damaging than false ones, because you can’t defend yourself by disproving the negative statement if it’s true! Some sources indicate that lashon ha-ra is equal in seriousness to murder, idol worship, and incest/adultery (the only three sins that you may not violate even to save a life).

    It is forbidden to even imply or suggest negative things about a person. It is forbidden to say negative things about a person, even in jest. It is likewise considered a “shade of lashon ha-ra” to say positive things about a person in the presence of his enemies, because this will encourage his enemies to say negative things to contradict you!

    One who tells disparaging things that are false is referred to as a motzi sheim ra, that is, one who spreads a bad report. This is considered the lowest of the low.”

    Maybe you should show your posts to a Rabbi and ask his opinion.

  82. MJ says:

    Again, a non-Jew should not go around interpreting Jewish theology for someone who is Jewish. It is offensive and really is beneath you.

    There are so many interpretations of what L’H is and is not. You are in no position to pass judgment on whether I did or didn’t.

    So you get a big FAIL for your efforts. But thanks for playing. If you leave your address, we’ll be sure you get your year’s supply of Rice-a-Roni (The San Francisco Treat).

  83. Geezer says:

    I would just as soon not read anybody interpreting any religion on a progressive blog site, thanks all the same. And I REALLY take exception to someone who flames people left and right calling, “Hey, no religions!” I’m hardly the first, but allow me to add my voice to those calling bullshit on that.

    Thanks for the links, MJ, but you miss the point. The Egyptians wrote down everything, long before the Hebrews took to writing. They recorded no plagues, no single-God-worshiping people fleeing a pharoah, none of it. And I don’t give a good God damn whether you find my saying so offensive. Self-righteous, pious assholes are self-righteous, pious assholes no matter how they spell the name of the Invisible Man in the Sky. You all too frequently play the part.

  84. JustSomeGuy says:

    thanks Geez bears repeating:)

    Thanks for the links, MJ, but you miss the point. The Egyptians wrote down everything, long before the Hebrews took to writing. They recorded no plagues, no single-God-worshiping people fleeing a pharoah, none of it. And I don’t give a good God damn whether you find my saying so offensive. Self-righteous, pious assholes are self-righteous, pious assholes no matter how they spell the name of the Invisible Man in the Sky. You all too frequently play the part.

  85. MJ says:

    Sorry, Geezer, but I disagree with you. While I really like most of the things you say, this is not one of those times. Go back and read my post from June (link above at 8:05 PM)

  86. anonone says:

    MJ, the last reference was written by a Jew. It doesn’t need my “interpretation.” But in your hypocritical world, it is fine for you to interpret other people’s faiths or lack thereof, but nobody is allowed to interpret yours. It is fine for you to ridicule someone’s struggle with alcoholism, but woe be to anybody who dares point out your incessant lashon hara.

    Seriously, why don’t you show all your comments here to a few Rabbis and ask them what they think?

  87. MJ says:

    I’ve never interpreted anyone’s faith A-None. And once again, a non-Jew should not go around interpreting Jewish theology for someone who is Jewish. It is offensive and really is beneath you. Unless you have some background in Jewish theology, just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

    There are so many interpretations of what L’H is and is not. You are in no position to pass judgment on whether I did or didn’t.

    So you get a big FAIL for your efforts. But thanks for playing. If you leave your address, we’ll be sure you get your year’s supply of Rice-a-Roni (The San Francisco Treat). Actually, you forfeited your going-away prize for being stupid.

    And you might want to tell your friend dv that if he wants to pick a fight with me, then I’ll use everything at my disposal. Where should I tell the wahbumlance to show up to?

  88. JustSomeGuy says:

    Open question to LG,Del Dem,Jason U.I.,etc. Is this the blog you want?

  89. donviti says:

    Dl’s resident David Anderson draped in a coat of many colors. God jason must be proud. Exposing hypcrisy in people that think they are faithful has to be the easiest thing in the world to do. GOD you are a fraud. It doesnt offend me that you attack me how you do. I’m sure i deserve it. I have admitted at OTM my struggles with alcohol. So its there to be mocked I guess.
    With you its the self righteousness thats the problem. Something i can now more easily notice in myself and other people with glaring defects.

  90. puck says:

    The bigger blogs have ratings systems that would make threads like this sink out of view and into obscurity. DL doesn’t have that, so you have to rely on your own ability to ignore it. That actually works pretty well, if you try it. You are not required to read every word posted here.

  91. Geezer says:

    I’m not questioning your belief in the higher power. But I object to you carrying that belief into the (virtual) room and using it as a club when others say something you consider insulting to that religion, just as I object to anyone claiming their religion or way of practicing it are “best.”

    I prefer the Golden Rule to any higher expression of religion. I find it both humanist and fair. If you’d like people to stop insulting you, it probably would help if you stopped insulting other people first.

  92. Steve Newton says:

    I’ve never interpreted anyone’s faith A-None. And once again, a non-Jew should not go around interpreting Jewish theology for someone who is Jewish.

    Of course, going back to the top of this post, it is perfectly permissable for a non-Christian (MJ) to go around interpreting Christian theology for someone who is Christian (Herman Cain).

    This is my complaint with you, MJ. You consistently do all the things that you say it is not acceptable to do to you, then whine about persecution.

    Please notice that MJ, since apparently reading the links, has never denied that he has repeatedly used Nazi/Holocaust references to castigate his opponents. Instead, he simply belittles anyone who calls him out on it and hopes that no one else will notice.

    But facts are facts: you repeatedly and visciously used the language yourself for which you condemned others. I don’t so much have a problem with your use of the language as your blatant intellectual dishonesty.

  93. MJ says:

    Oh, I wish I could stay up and continue, but I have to be in my DC office early tomorrow morning. Awaiting a couple of important text messages that may have an affect on Delaware politics.

  94. Steve Newton says:

    Shorter MJ: lost. Gotta run.