Delaware Liberal

Bigot George Parrish to Run for County Council, Still Hates the Gays (Updated)

Sussex County Clerk of Peace George Parrish is going to announce shortly on Dan Gaffney’s show that he is running for Insurance Commissioner, for George Cole’s seat in the 4th District on the County Council (if he retires that is) as a Christianist Republican, obviously. (DL got punked with a tip that this idiot would somehow run for IC. A county council seat makes much more sense). This news comes on the heels of an News Journal story on him today where he kindly reveals that he will deign to enforce the law of the State of Delaware on Civil Unions over his own bigoted discriminatory views.

“As I have reviewed all my legal options, administrative options and political options, I have determined that I took an oath in support of the Constitution and the rule of law should prevail,” said Parish, who lives in Long Neck. “It’s because of that and because if I were to resign, liberal Gov. Jack Markell would have the opportunity to appoint a potential liberal to succeed me and that’s unacceptable to George Parish because Sussex County voters should be the source of deciding and electing the next clerk of the peace of Sussex County.”

Imagine that!!!! Jack Markell a liberal!! LOL. Also too, imagine a state officer, a clerk of peace, a judge…… enforcing the law!!!! The times we live in. Oh, there’s more.

Parish favors a constitutional amendment that would define marriage in Delaware as between a man and a woman. He believes the question of same-sex civil unions should be put to a vote in Delaware, as some states do with referendum or initiative questions.

He believes Delaware’s new law is discriminatory against heterosexuals. While it provides same-sex couples the same protections and benefits of married couples, it does not extend to heterosexual couples who do not wish to be married. Delaware’s civil-unions law allows those who object for religious reasons not to perform the ceremonies. And some public officials in other states where civil unions or same-sex marriage are legal have sidestepped the requirements of their government position by finding a deputy to perform the ceremonies in their place.

Well, Mr. Parrish, I do believe civil unions will be put to a vote in Delaware. If you are evil and hate gay people, and thus are against civil unions, then please vote against Jack Markell and every legislator up for election in 2012 who voted for civil unions. There is your referendum right there. And if you believe in equality and compassion, then please vote against George Parrish.*

* Since the coward announced he is not running statewide but instead in 2014 for a County Council seat, we won’t get the full statewide referendum Parrish longs for. Come on Parrish. Man up. Put your views on the line. Run against Markell!!!

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