Tuesday Daily Delawhere [11.15.11]

Filed in National by on November 15, 2011

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  1. gary myers says:

    College of Earth, Wind, & Fire research building at Broadkiln and Roosevelt Inlet

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I was looking for Coast Guard station in Lewes, but you still are correct

  3. Jason330 says:

    “College of Earth, Wind, & Fire research building…?

    Riight please tell me that there is such a thing. How about…

    College of “The Brother’s Johnson” research building at Broadkiln and Roosevelt Inlet. Or…

    College of “The Commodores” research building at Broadkiln and Roosevelt Inlet ?

  4. skippertee says:

    Or “Hot Tuna” research building and sandwich shop at Roosevelt Inlet.
    Try our Crab balls- they’re delish!

  5. Seafood Expert says:

    Crabs have balls?

  6. skippertee says:

    Yes, one big formal one before they go to sleep for the winter in the mud.