Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread [11.18.11]

There is hope for us yet. In Arizona, the Arizona Supreme Court overturned Mein Fuhrer Frau Jan Brewer (R) and reinstated the chair of the state’s Independent Redistricting Commission Colleen Mathis. This is an humiliating rebuke to the Republican Party in Arizona, who thought they could just removed the head of an independent agency without cause, or any good reason at all really, and no one would dare question them on it. Good for the Supreme Court to stand up to such bare partisan thievery.

E.J. Dionne Jr. says Congress should do nothing, and he’s right. For once, Congress should nothing.

The prospect of $7.1 trillion in tax increases and some cuts that would begin taking effect in January 2013 … should hearten every deficit foe now prepared to mourn a failure by the supercommittee.

Because the bulk of the $7.1 trillion comes from automatic revenue increases, the power in future negotiations would shift toward those seeking a balance between cuts and taxes. Doing nothing is not an option when it comes to job creation. Congress still needs to act. But on the deficit, inaction now could lead to wiser action later. […]

A balanced deal would be nice but it’s now impossible — and not because of some vague congressional “dysfunction” the media like to talk about. Sane fiscal policies are blocked because one party refuses to accept the need to roll back the excesses of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. If Congress does nothing, those tax cuts go away. That’s why a “failure” by the supercommittee to endorse a deeply flawed deal is actually a victory for sensible deficit reduction.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register’s editorial board, Michele Bachmann defended the practice of waterboarding. Because of course, waterboarding is not torture. But would Michele ever subject herself to the harmless procedure? Of course not.

A new Rasmussen survey in Iowa shows Newt Gingrich leading with likely GOP caucus-goers with 32%. Mitt Romney is at 19%, Herman Cain at 13%, Ron Paul at 10%, Rick Perry at 6% and Michele Bachmann at 6%. I must say, having Gingrich win the nomination is the next best thing to Palin winning it.

Afghanistan – touch down in flight from Augustin Pictures on Vimeo.

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