Delaware Liberal

Why Must Crazy Wingnuts Be So Stupid Too?

Michele Bachmann told an Iowa crowd today that, were she President right now, she would close down the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, I guess in retaliation to the storming of the British Embassy yesterday. Now, no doubt, the thought of Bachmann being President right now has caused you to start screaming, or laughing, or both, uncontrollably. I will wait for you to stop.

Still going, are you?

Well, let’s move on, shall we. The problem with Bachmann’s declaration is that the United States has not had an embassy open in Iran since our own embassy was stormed back in 1979. Iran and the United States have not had official diplomatic relations since then. A lack of knowledge of this basic fact is rather stunning, especially from a member of a party that has constantly criticized President Obama on Iran. And Michele, you recently claimed you “haven’t had a gaffe.” My dear stupid wingnut, this is a gaffe.

Thankfully, you will never be President.

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