Thursday Open Thread [12.1.11]
David Duke was arrested in Germany while he was addressing a group of about 100 German citizens “eager to hear [his] message of heritage and freedom.” No doubt, Duke was spreading his neonazi hatred. However, in Germany, it is a crime to be a Nazi, and it is a crime to deny the Holocaust. Perhaps David wants to return to America. I hear the Republicans are looking for a suitable Presidential candidate to fit their views.
A new Economist/YouGov poll has Newt Gingrich leading the GOP presidential race nationally with 25%, followed by Mitt Romney at 17%, Herman Cain at 15%, Ron Paul at 9%, Michele Bachmann at 5%, Jon Huntsman at 5%, Rick Perry at 5% and Rick Santorum at 3%. Alright, at this point, who are the absolute fools still supporting Herman Cain? Michele Bachmann? And how embarrassing for Jon Huntsman. The former Ambassador speaks Mandarin, a fucking hard ass language to learn, speak and write, and he is TIED with Rick Perry, who can’t learn, speak or write English.
Huntsman is a reasonable, intelligent, moderate, sane republican…. AKA the second comming of Osama to most conservatives.
To Huntsman’s credit, he is not playing to the hard right base. He articulates his views and if it steps on toes, so be it. He is my favored candidate. But he is too real to actually get the nomination. His own party will eventually cut him off at the knees.
Reminds me a lot of Ted Haggard. Another former GOP office holder gets caught in a drugs for sex scandal.
Anybody remember the story of the huntsman sent out to kill Snow White and bring back her heart to the evil queen, but he took mercy on her and let her go?
It just happened in real life, sorta:
The 1% even covet our hovels.
Go to the link and watch the video.
Deutsche or chase? the stories i saw on it last night said it was Chase Bank.
and n the story i saw, the woman’s name was Vida Lee
Deutsche or chase?
Electric chair, or hanging?
Tomato, to-mah-to?
God Bless the Sheriff, whatever his name is. Now that is how a real Sheriff should behave, on this first day of Advent no less.
Because you know if she had been evicted, it would take about five seconds to connect the dots to “no room at the inn.”
ok, so it was both banks…. Chase just dispatched their private police force… i guess Ms Hall is the 83 year old daughter.
The army of the unemployed is reporting for another tour of hostage duty, as Cantor is offering a deal from Hell:
First of all, how did we get to the point that Republicans are holding their vote on tax cuts over our heads? Whatever might have given them the idea that Democrats would cave so easily over unemployment benefits?
I guess in a world where the best hope for saving Europe is Germany, anything is possible.
My questions:
Which Delaware Democrat will be the first to endorse this deal – Carper, Coons, or Carney?
Which Delaware Democratic blogger will be the first to attack commenters who call out Democrats who support the Cantor deal?
Will Obama’s veto threat hold?
It was a trick question. They won’t talk about it publicly until they quietly vote for it in the middle of the night.
Otherwise I’d go with Coons.
Our own Rob Tornoe is in a *toon off* today over at Cagle’s Toon Blog.
Head over there and vote for Rob’s cartoon, for cryin’ out loud.
A vewry easy vote. The other guy’s cartoon takes the bullshit line that the “public square” is antagonistic to the Christian view of Christmas.
President Obama has already said “No” to changing the triggers and has put a lot of effort into identifying himself with “middle class tax cuts.”
I think this is a case where a blog commenter just has to get his Obama hate on.
That thumbnail of Duke is creeping me out.
Jason – Duke has had so much plastic surgery that it’s all starting to melt.
MJ – Duke is in need of brain surgery.
Duke is in need of a brain first.
Joe – sent you an email and a note on FB. Give me a shout.
Senator Marshall has a primary challenger:
CarperCoonsCarney are all on record calling for the Bowles Simpson plan, which calls for a top marginal rate of 23-19% (tax cuts for the rich), funded by the Loophole Unicorn, and austerity for the rest of us.
But nobody was putting a Bowles Simpson bill on the floor – until now. And you won’t believe which evil troll is behind it. Well, maybe you will.
*sigh* I am so tired of Obama being our last line of defense.
And Obama’s defense is about as good as Juan Castillo’s.
Obama = Bill Buckner.
I think Huntsman is running for 2016 and has been all along. I think he calculates that after the tea party gets its crazy nominee in 2012 and loses badly, the GOP will be more amenable to taking a more moderate tone in 2016.