This is now more relevant than ever….
I posted on this back in May when it first aired, which was Newt Gingrich’s first official week of his campaign for the presidency. As you recall, Gingrich’s first week was marred by angering conservatives by criticizing Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan and semi-supporting an individual mandate for health care. Then came a report that he carried up to $500,000 in debt to the Tiffany jewelry company. As we learned later, the total debt he owed to Tiffany’s was much larger. Regardless, I feel the words of the epic, florid and overwritten statement from a campaign spokesman lampooned by Lithgow above are now prescient.
“…a lesser person could not have survived the first few minutes of the onslaught. But out the billowing smoke and dust, tweets and trivia, emerged, Gingrich.”