Old guy talking to me this morning

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011

old guy: Obama is receiving $500 billion from the SEIU & AFSCME.
ME: That seems like a lot of money.
old guy: Obama is only giving speeches to High School classes in order to indoctrinate the next generation.
ME: I hadn’t heard that.
old guy: China has put its navy on a war footing.
ME: Isn’t it the job of a navy to be ready for war?
old guy: Germans are the Republicans of Europe.
ME: And yet Germany is highly unionized.
old guy:All the other European countries are welfare cases.
ME: Dirty socialists and their high standards of living.”

I was somewhat trapped and not feeling like trying to untangle the Fox News based gibberish that was coming my way.

Knowing that there is a big voting block (old white guys) so willing to buy into Fox News’ nonsense so uncritically is disquieting though.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Some new halfwit writing on Charlie Copeland’s blog posted this:

    I was wondering who was paying for these ads that talk about these folks who had agreed to work for a low hourly wage cleaning some of the bank buildings. The ad finishes saying that it is paid for by 32BJ which did not illuminate.

    Turns out that 32BJ is SEIU. SEIU is, of course, one of the hundres of ACORN affiliated organization.

    By the way, it was in today’s news that some Occupy group in California has taken to occupying bank owned foreclosed properties now.
    Funny, wasn’t that something that ACORN was promoting before they went underground? Probably just a coincidence.

    I have no idea what he is talking about, but he sort of sounds like your old guy.

    Is this a preview of RNC strategy making its rounds from the lowest levels up?

  2. jason330 says:

    I guess the Republicans are going to run on the fact that Obama is mobbed up with the unions, ACORN, Rev Wright and Saul Alinsky. After all it worked for McCain.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    while we’re talking about horrifying encounters with old, probably white, RWNJ….
    I was at work the other day talking with a co-workers about state of politics and whatnot, a regular customer jumped into the conversation about the GOP primary saying
    “i like trump’s business sense! he is a self made man, not one of these hand out takers”
    Reminding him that all The Donald had to do to get the money was be born didnt seem to have any effect….
    He THEN went on to say that all the candidates had good qualities and if he could make a hodge podge of them, it would be great…. Trumps business sense,
    “Bachmann hates the mexicans, so that’s good” is actually something this pig said….. He then went on to spew about immigration to which I said
    “you’re right! actually I don’t think we should have EVER allowed ANY immigrants into this country!”
    He responded with some gibberish about early in the 1900s with Irish and Italians…. whatever it was led me to realize he not only missed the VERY thick layer of sarcasm i put on that comment, but he was inclined to agree with me.

  4. puck says:

    Donald Trump was born an ordinary millionaire, but he pulled himself up by his bootstraps.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Sarcasm and satire is as inaccessible to them as my vote is to Evan Quietisch. (sp?)

  6. HA! Glad to see this post and someone mentioning the whackjob anony who’s started writing on Copeland’s blog. Those WDEL ads are getting under some conservative skin.

    The rest of that post is about the audacity of Occupying foreclosed houses…like *gasp* ACORN was suggesting people do way back when….. when there actually *was* an ACORN.

    There’s going to be an Occupy DE action soon:
    Occupy Delaware to Occupy Sheriff’s Sale: Highlighting bank fraud, plight of the homeless
    WILMINGTON, DE. Occupy Delaware is planning to peacefully occupy the NCC Sheriffs Sale Tuesday, December 13, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the City/County Building in Wilmington. The action is intended to emphasize how major banks abandoned their fiduciary responsibilities to borrowers, committed every investment malfeasance up to fraud, intensified the crisis of homelessness, and precipitated a worldwide financial melt-down.
    Those wishing to join Occupy Delaware in this action are asked to meet at Spencer Plaza (800 N. French St. in Wilmington, DE) at 9 a.m.

    AND and an SEIU action today:
    Cleaners to March through Downtown after Vote
    Wilmington, DE –The region’s office cleaners will today hold a vote on whether to authorize their union’s bargaining committee to call a strike, if necessary at a rally and march downtown. Negotiations for a new contract covering 450 commercial office cleaners in Delaware began on November 15th between 32BJ SEIU and Delaware’s major commercial cleaning companies.

    32BJ members clean prominent buildings in Wilmington including the DuPont Building, Brandywine Building, Chase Manhattan Center, Citizens Bank Center, and I. M. Pei Building. The contract is set to expire at 12:01 AM on January 1, 2012.
    WHAT: Office cleaners hold strike vote and march through downtown
    WHO: 32BJ Executive Officer, Larry Engelstein
    32BJ members and office cleaners
    WHEN: Thursday, December 8, 2011 4:00 PM
    WHERE: Rodney Square – corner of 10th and Market Street
    Wilmington, DE

    I just got off the phone with the press staffer for the 32BJ SEIU telling her I’d send her a link to the idiotic Copeland blog copied above. I’ll send her a link to this blog post too. I am going to invite Copeland and co. to come on out.

  7. cassandra m says:

    Heard from an old guy in PA that Obama gave the drone currently captured in Iran to the Iranians on purpose. It’s a Muslim thing, obviously.

    This guy was serious as a heart attack.

  8. kavips says:

    It used to be we made fun of clowns. Now we venerate them into Republican Presidential Candidates.