Delaware Liberal

Old guy talking to me this morning

old guy: Obama is receiving $500 billion from the SEIU & AFSCME.
ME: That seems like a lot of money.
old guy: Obama is only giving speeches to High School classes in order to indoctrinate the next generation.
ME: I hadn’t heard that.
old guy: China has put its navy on a war footing.
ME: Isn’t it the job of a navy to be ready for war?
old guy: Germans are the Republicans of Europe.
ME: And yet Germany is highly unionized.
old guy:All the other European countries are welfare cases.
ME: Dirty socialists and their high standards of living.”

I was somewhat trapped and not feeling like trying to untangle the Fox News based gibberish that was coming my way.

Knowing that there is a big voting block (old white guys) so willing to buy into Fox News’ nonsense so uncritically is disquieting though.

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