Delaware Liberal

God is My Abortionist

I’m not sure if the “God is my abortionist” defense would work in the American Christian Taliban world of the future. That’s not stopping baby factory & reality TV star, Michelle Duggar, from using it.

Michelle Duggar is a 45-year-old mother of 19 children – the last one, Josie, born prematurely just two years ago, almost killing both mother and daughter – so medically speaking, a 20th pregnancy should’ve gone awesome. Except it didn’t, so just assume one of her children angered God by bringing a Harry Potter book into their compound which may sound terrible to say about a woman who just suffered a miscarriage except it’s no more crazy than her statement to People:

The Lord is the giver of life and he can choose when that life is ready to go on and be with Him.

“Sometimes God kills babies, and that’s okay.” That’s what Michelle Duggar just said. In 2011, if you haven’t figured out that sometimes shit just happens without the aid of supernatural forces, you might as well live in a cave and stir a pig’s entrails with a stick to divine the weather because clearly modern society has nothing to offer you with all it’s logic and reason. Or Satan’s sloppy, loose concubines if I’m free to speak your language.

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