‘Bulo To Unveil His 2011 MVP List Tuesday, Dec. 13…

Filed in Delaware by on December 10, 2011

…and for the first time, it will be simultaneously released here at DL and on the Al Mascitti Show. We’re talking 10 a.m., folks, here and on WDEL-1150 AM.

I’m putting my magnum opus together now, and it will be fraught with both fun and controversy.  I’ve gotten more comfortable with my list as I’ve prepared it. Of course, I’ve changed my initial list twice now already, and I’m likely not done fiddling with it.

As always, it is my list and mine alone. Those who may be disenchanted with my list, and I suspect that some of you will be, feel free to submit your own lists and/or, of course, to blister my choices.

You can even do it on the air. Please wait, though, to call until after I’ve run down the entire list. Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise…

So, come here Tuesday at 10 to enjoy the list, and listen to Al at the same time as we discuss the 2011 Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause in Delaware Top Ten.


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  1. jason330 says:

    If there is one day I love in the political calendar, it is the day El Somnambulo goes crashing through the brick wall of conventional wisdom like a geriatric Naples Florida driver crashing into a 7-11.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Nice analogy. However, if true, there would be no 7-Elevens in Naples and no conventional wisdom left standing.