Delaware Liberal

John Carney: To be a Democrat, or a second rate Tom Carper? That is the question.

John Carney, I heard a rumor that you want people to think that you are a Democrat? If that is true, look at this…

Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the Saving American Democracy Amendment to the Constitution today. Essentially, it’s a “corporations are not people” amendment. It expressly excludes corporations from the rights granted to natural persons under the Constitution, prohibits corporate spending in elections, allows for Congress & the States to regulate corporations and campaign finance. There is a corresponding amendment being proposed in the House sponsored by Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.).

Why not stake out a claim as “Delawares’s Democratic Representation in Washington?” The overton window has shifted so far to the right, you wouldn’t even have to be much of a Democrat to be seen as the state’s Democrat. We already have a guy who has pissed away his career cravenly sucking up to Republicans and corporations, do we really need another? Delaware would love an actual Democrat right now.

You could be a hero, or second rate Tom Carper. From a “what is right” perspective, as well as a strategic perspective, this seems like a no brainer to me. The only problem is, with your current “bi-partisanship rulz!” PR campaign going on, I fear you’ve already made the wrong choice.

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