Senator Coons blasts republicans over Cordray filibuster and general assholishness

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011

In refreshingly honest and direct language, Senator Chris Coons blasted the GOP for blocking the appointment of Richard Cordray, President Obama’s pick to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

In an interview on the liberal leaning Bill Press show, Coons stated, “I think he should have been confirmed and again it is just part of a theme here. Filibuster, filibuster filibuster. We can’t even get to a vote on important nominations.”

Coons called into the interview this morning while commuting to Washington on Amtrak.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Coons struck just the right tone on Cordray. This soon after the filibuster, this is the time for expressing some frustration and calling out Republicans, and Coons hit the mark. Unlike Carper, who immediately called on the President to send them a new, presumably more Republican nominee.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Carper also gives the GOP copious outs by talking about their bullshit complaints with the agency, as if they are legitimate.

  3. puck says:

    The more I think about it, the more despicable it is for Carper to call for a new nominee. It is the President’s prerogative when and whether to send a new nominee. Calling for a new nominee is the job of Republican hacks.

    In any case, Republicans have vowed to filibuster any nominee, so WTF is the point of a new nominee? The only new nominee Republicans would accept is one who promises to dismantle the agency.