Delaware Liberal

Sussex County Smackdown – Round Four

It’s official. The AG’s office will not prosecute Vance Phillips for his alleged assault on Sheriff Woody.

In a four page letter delivered to Georgetown Police Chief William Topping today, Sussex County Chief Prosecutor Paula Ryan advised that the “Department of Justice [will] forego prosecution of the above referenced matter.”

She called into question Christopher’s veracity,

It is also worth noting that when Christopher sought treatment with a physician the next day, he told the doctor he had been restrained and “cold cocked” with a fist. This version is completely unsupported by any other evidence or witness and undermines Christopher’s credibility.

Quelle suprise! A RWNJ office holder lied.

Earlier versions of what happened at the Sussex County GOP headquarters that fateful day had Phillips throwing a spiral ring notebook at Christopher, which hit him in the eye and Christopher being restrained and Phillips stomping on his stomach and kicking him in the groin.

As the AG’s investigation reveals, this was far from the truth.

During the meeting, Mr. Christopher and Mr. Phillips engaged in a heated argument that led to “fighting words.” Phillips tossed a small gum backed notepad that had been in front of him in the direction of Mr. Christopher, who was seated across the table. Mr. Phillips did not direct the notepad at any particular body part of Mr. Christopher and did not throw the pad overhand. Phillips was obviously frustrated, but there is no evidence that he intended to cause injury.

Mr. Christopher later reported that the tossed notepad struck him in the eye. The exact nature of any injury caused is only relevant to the legal implications later, but it was not a significant enough injury to cause Mr. Christopher to drop down in pain or call for help or immediately depart and seek medical attention.

But wait, there’s more.

Rather, upon being struck by the notepad, Mr. Christopher, who was dressed in full uniform and carrying a pistol, rose from his seated position and immediately moved aggressively toward Mr. Phillips.

Mr. Christopher has stated that his purpose was to place Mr. Phillips under arrest. Mr. Christopher has no power of arrest by virtue of his status as sheriff. His power of arrest is no greater than that shared by any citizen.

So once again, we have an opinion from the AG that clearly states that Sheriff RWNJ does not have the power of arrest.

Go read the entire letter (yeah, I know you have to do it through the WGMD website), but this should put the last nail in Christopher’s coffin. He has lied to police and the AG. If that isn’t malfeasance in office, I don’t know what is.

Time to say goodnight, Gracie.

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