Delaware Liberal

Game playing and “manufacturing crises” by “Tea Party Republicans” called out by John Carney

There is a lot to like in this short statement by John Carney on the House Republicans plan to oppose the tax cut extension passed 89-10 by the Senate.

WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative John Carney (D-DE) released the following statement tonight after House Republicans announced their intention to vote down a payroll tax cut extension passed overwhelmingly by the Senate:

“Tomorrow, House Republicans intend to vote down a payroll tax cut passed overwhelmingly by Senate. Tea Party Republicans are playing games and manufacturing crises.

“The bill passed by the Senate isn’t perfect, but it ensures that middle class families don’t receive a tax hike in January, and it gives us time to pass a broader package. I hope that House Republicans come to their senses — and soon.”

“Tea Party Republicans are playing games and manufacturing crises.” That pretty much hits the nail on the head.

“I hope that House Republicans come to their senses — and soon.” This honest and direct acknowledgment that REPUBLICANS have lost their sense is a water shed moment. What Carney did here was simply state an obvious truth without feeling the need to tart it up with the sheepish and phony “bi-partisanship” which requires every mild critique of Republicans to be paired with the rejoinder that Democrats are also “part of the problem.”

Republicans are the problem. The more Democrats say it, the better.

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