Pew’s Political Typology 2011

Filed in National by on December 21, 2011

A new poll! But this is one you take to see where you stand politically on a new political typology developed by (or maybe refined by) the people at the Pew Center for People and the Press. This is meant to get beyond the labels of red and Blue.

Not sure how well this accomplishes this, but it is interesting. And I’m a total sucker for political quizzes. And this counts as light blogging, I think. So take the quiz and tell us where you fall and what you think of this effort.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (14)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    I am a solid liberal. Shocking, I know. I wonder what Anonone is, since we all know his liberalism is better than mine since he hates Obama like all good liberals should. Is he a Super Duper Liberal?

  2. puck says:

    Pew postulates a new category called “New Coalition.” Basically they were in favor of all the liberal positions except acceptance of homosexuality. Go figure what Pew is up to with that. I hope it doesn’t become a media meme.

    Do they have a category for people who say they are Democrats but are willing to support Republican policy just to “get something done?”

    And, solid liberal. As usual, the binary choices were maddening and didn’t really represent my actual positions.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I doubt you can be a liberal if you are intolerant of groups of people, other than Republicans of course. 😉

  4. anon says:

    The “New Coalition” is just another name for “Western Sussex Democrats.”

  5. jason330 says:

    Solid liberal. So…

    * Highly politically engaged – YES
    * 75% are Democrats – YES
    * Concentrated in the Northeast and West – YES
    * 57% are female – SORTA
    * Best educated of the groups: 49% hold at least a bachelor’s degree and 27% have post-graduate experience – YES
    * A third regularly listen to NPR, about two-in-ten regularly watch The Daily Show and read The New York Times – YES
    * 59% have a passport – YES
    * 42% regularly buy organic foods – FUCK NO, its a scam.
    * 21% are first or second generation Americans – Nope, 6th

  6. MJ says:

    Well, I’m also a solid liberal, which will still be met by scorn from A1 and the other Merry Men.

  7. anonone says:

    Believing in the Bill of Rights is not a “liberal” or “conservative” position. And it isn’t a question of whether one’s form of “liberalism” is better than another. It is a question of whether you put your political party ahead of your principles.

  8. I’m also a solid liberal. Though, if it’s true that you are what you eat, I’m more of a ‘liquid’ liberal.

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    Solid liberal.

    I think the quiz is a bit narrow in the range of outcomes. I wish it had possible outcomes on the left like liberal, progressive, social democrat, socialist, etc. I have no clue what the possible outcomes are on the right, but I suspect the range is similarly narrow.

  10. MJ says:

    A1 spoke to the Founders last night at the seance so he knows that the Constitution is absolute. They told him so.

  11. Steve Newton says:

    Interesting poll, although I agree with Dana on the either/or. Here’s why.

    My dead-level best attempt to honestly choose between the answers came out to “Libertarian.”

    So far so good. But there were two questions that I genuinely agonized over in terms of which bad generalization best (or least poorly) captured my position. For example, does the question on religion being important in my life have anything to do with politics? I believe in a role for religion in a personal life but not really in a political life. So how do I answer that?

    As an experiment, I took the poll twice more. Each time I changed exactly one answer from my original answers. The first time through changing one answer moved me from “Libertarian” to “Disaffected,” and the second time through it moved me from “Libertarian” to “Post-Modern.” This is probably the problem with a ten-question poll–given the high number of categories and the low number of questions (and, interestingly enough, several questions of the ten were essentially repeats that did not capture any significant nuance), it’s almost always going move your outcome around in response to just 1 or 2 questions. Those of you who rated as solid liberals, try going back and changing just one answer to see if that’s enough to move you out of the category.

  12. jason330 says:

    Steve, Was there “Pretend Libertarian?” that would be a better fit for you, am I right?

  13. Steve Newton says:

    No but there was a category for” mentally challenged pseudo liberals” that probably describes you.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    I protest Steve!!! Jason may be mentally challenged, but he is no psuedo anything. Jason is either full on or full off.