Delaware Liberal

The Sheriff Stands for ‘Merica

In his never ending quest to show that he has the biggest penis in Southern Delaware, Sussex County Teabag Sheriff Jeff Christopher believes he’s sovereign over everything and everyone one in the county. So much so that he sent the following email out to numerous county employees, news people, and anyone else he decided he had to puff his chest out to.

First off, I doubt that the taxpayer-funded government email system was supposed to be used in this manner. Political messages should be sent from a personal email account, not a government account. If he had done this from a Federal government email, he’d be fired.

Second, the website the sheriff and his loyal subjects from up North direct people to is scary as all get out. “Wild Bill” (apparently he has no last name) has ties to the Sovereign Citizen movement, which the SPLC has deemed racist. Watch the video and then listen to it again and picture Christopher saying the same exact words.

It’s really too bad that we cannot make political candidates undergo a psychological examination before they run for office. If we did, this crazed clown with a gun might not be in office today, terrorizing the citizens of Sussex County with his belief that he is above the law. No wait, he believes he is the law, courts and the Delaware Code be damned.

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