Delaware Liberal

Your Predictions for 2012 [Here are Mine]

A non-Mitt Romney candidate will win the Iowa Caucuses. But a Mitt Romney candidate will be the Republican nominee for President. There will be a third party candidate from the right, I just can’t decide if it will be Ron Paul, Donald Trump or Sarah Palin.

The economy will continue to improve, more steadily than in 2011 or 2010. But the unemployment rate will still be in the 7% to 8% range.

President Obama will win reelection rather easily, relatively speaking. The size of the victory will be less than Clinton ’96 but more than Bush ’04.

The Dems will gain 20-25 seats in the House, which is close to a majority.

Speaker Boehner will not last the year in the Speaker’s chair.

Tony Deluca will survive a strong primary challenge.

Karen Weldin Stewart will not.

Governor Markell and Lt. Governor Denn will both win reelection in landslides.

Congressman Carney will survive a closer race with Tom Kovach, who will not be Christine O’Donnell-ed.

Sussex County conservatives will continue to embarrass themselves.

The Dems will keep control of the General Assembly.

Andy Reid will be the coach of the Philadelphia Eagles in 2012.

The Philadelphia Phillies will return to the World Series.

The Philadelphia Flyers will win the Stanley Cup.

Anonone will post frequently on his hatred of President Obama, well into 2013.

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