Archive for December, 2011

Republicans Think They’re Too Big to Fail

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 7 Comments

… whoever finally gets the Republican nomination will be a deeply flawed candidate. And these flaws won’t be an accident, the result of bad luck regarding who chose to make a run this time around; the fact that the party is committed to demonstrably false beliefs means that only fakers or the befuddled can get through the selection process.

Of course, given the terrible economic picture and the tendency of voters to blame whoever holds the White House for bad times, even a deeply flawed G.O.P. nominee might very well win the presidency. But then what?

… If the dog actually catches the car — the actual job of running the U.S. government — it will have no idea what to do, because the realities of government in the 21st century bear no resemblance to the mythology all ambitious Republican politicians must pretend to believe. And what will happen then?

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VA Tech Shots Reported At Basketball Arena Parking Lot

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 2 Comments

Because it is Va Tech where another high profile shooting took place, it is big news that gunshots were reported on Virginia Tech’s campus this morning.

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Thursday Open Thread [12.8.11]

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 8 Comments

“Look, for the longest time, Gingrich was not really a factor in this race, he was left for dead at the checkout counter at Tiffany’s,” said David Axelrod, a chief adviser to the president’s re-election bid. “Now he is resurgent and he could be the nominee.”

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Hey John Carney!…Pee in a cup, it isn’t just for the poor anymore

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 75 Comments

“You’ve benefited from hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars over the years, so would you be willing to pee into this cup to prove to Florida taxpayers that you’re not on drugs?’’

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Old guy talking to me this morning

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 8 Comments

old guy: Obama is receiving $500 billion from the SEIU & AFSCME.
ME: That seems like a lot of money.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [12.8.11] — Christmas Lights

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 4 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [12.8.11] — Christmas Lights

One of my favorite things about the holidays is all the Christmas lights outside everyone’s homes. Starting tomorrow, I will begin posting pictures on that theme. Since these photos are of people’s houses and not of famous Delaware landmarks, buildings or locations, I will not be asking you to identify the house or any other identifying details. These photos will just be for your enjoyment during the holiday season.

Feel free to submit your own pictures of your outside decorations too. You can email them to me at If the picture quality is good, it will be posted!

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Lavelle to Quit House; Run for Senate?

Filed in National by on December 8, 2011 9 Comments

GOP Minority Leader Greg Lavelle, who was redistricted into fellow Republican Deborah Hudson’s district, has decided not to primary her and will not seek reelection to the House. Once the new House maps were released and approved, this has always been the assumed path for Lavelle: seek a promotion.

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Newt: I Would Make Sarah Palin Secretary Of the Interior

Filed in National by on December 7, 2011 9 Comments

Newt Gingrich is speaking at the RWNJ Republican Conference. He gathered huge applause when he said that if he was elected President he would nominate former half-term Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin as Secretary of the Interior. Updated: Sorry. It was John Bolton for Secretary of State. Simple mistake, they are equally crazy.

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The DBLC, an idea for 2012?

Filed in National by on December 7, 2011 6 Comments

Here is a 2011 idea (modeled on something that they have in Vermont) that I never got around to following through on. (Life intrudes sometimes.)


The Need:

There is a widespread awareness in the Delaware business community that a well-run state government and successful communities are “good for business.” Unfortunately, the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, which claims to speak on behalf of Delaware businesses, follows an extreme, right-wing agenda that is primarily concerned with lowering Delaware taxes paid by large multi-national corporations.

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How should we thank OWS and Occupy Delaware for changing the debate?

Filed in National by on December 7, 2011 5 Comments

Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently pointed out that the political plates have shifted, and that the GOP is having a “tough time messaging their way out of the box they’ve put themselves in now that the country’s clamoring for fairness for the middle class even if it means higher taxes on wealthy people.” We need to thank OSW and Occupy Delaware for that, because it sure as hell wasn’t “Democratic” Congressman John Carney leading the push back.

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Team Obama plot to replace Mitt with Newt Working better than expected

Filed in National by on December 7, 2011 0 Comments

Newt will be rehabilitated by the RWNJ media, but in the meantime, you have to give Team Obama and the DNC props on how they’ve dragged down Romney to help Newt.

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Tom Kovach Flip/Flops on Self-Identification

Filed in National by on December 7, 2011 2 Comments

It seems like only a week or so ago that Kovach was saying that he wasn’t a politician. What is he saying today? Feeling slighted by the News Journal, he hammered out a testy email.

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Wednesday Open Thread [12.7.11]

Filed in National by on December 7, 2011 11 Comments

Obama easily defeats a Generic Republican 48-43, while is destroys Gingrich 50-42. Which is why I am shocked and pleased that Gingrich is now the frontrunner.

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