Iowa Caucus Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 3, 2012

I have no idea what’s going to happen tonight… Do you?


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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (106)

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  1. pandora says:

    Nate Silver is calling it for Santorum tonight.

  2. cassandra m says:

    Which should end it all for him then, like Huckabee?

  3. xstryker says:

    3 possibilities – Romney wins with money and electability, Paul wins with superior organization among his followers, Santorum wins through old fashioned shoe leather and peaking at the right time (ie before the PACs can run negatives against him).

    Democratic turnout will be an story as well, and if Obama loses any delegates, Fox will be sure to play that up.

  4. xstryker says:

    David Nir crunches the CNN entrance poll (notoriously poor predictor though it is) as follows:

    Paul 25.5%
    Romney 23.1%
    Santorum 18.6%
    Gingrich 12.7%
    Perry 10.2%
    Bachmann 7.3%
    Huntsman 1.4%

    I repeat, entrance polls are very poor predictors, and don’t encounter for second-choice picks that come up in caucus procedure. But I’d say this pretty clearly shows that one of the top three listed above will win.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Interesting chat on msnbc right now.

  6. xstryker says:

    According to the entrance polls, 13-14% of the electorate is over 30, a majority of which support Ron Paul.

  7. xstryker says:

    CNN’s entrance poll pegs Paul’s support among 30-39 year olds at 40%, giving Paul a major lead with voters under 40.

  8. anonone says:

    I predict that at the end of the night, Santorum will still hate his penis.

  9. xstryker says:

    Here’s some fun numbers from the CNN poll – Rick Perry’s support by educational level:

    Never Attended College: 19%
    Some College: 11%
    College Graduate: 7%
    Post-Graduate Study: 7%

  10. xstryker says:

    A win for Paul would be a win for Gen X and Y

  11. xstryker says:

    Updated entrance poll numbers (which are still garbage):
    Romney 24.0%
    Paul 23.9%
    Santorum 18.3%
    Gingrich 12.8%
    Perry 10.7%
    Bachmann 7.5%
    Huntsman 1.5%
    Other 1.2%

  12. xstryker says:

    The first precinct is in. 9 votes for Paul, 4 votes for Perry, 3 for Mitt, 3 for Santorum, 2 for Gingrich, none for anyone else.

  13. cassandra m says:

    Current TV has Cenk and some of his crew PLUS VP Al Gore and Gov Jennifer Granholm. Sorta wonky commentary — they are talking about the fact that less than 10% of the caucusers are under 30 and more than 30% is over 50.

  14. xstryker says:

    1% reporting, Santorum 26%, Paul 23%, Romney 18%, Gingrich 16, Perry 10, Bachman 7, Huntsman 0.

  15. Jason330 says:

    Im switching over to Curent, although props to Lawrence Odonnell and Chris Mathews for injecting a little reality into the commentary.

  16. Jason330 says:

    Romney’s kid trusts his Dad whole heartedly. What a snooze…

  17. xstryker says:

    CNN calling Iowa for Obama. 😉

  18. cassandra_m says:

    So Ijust saw some footage of lines of people putting votes in baskets — no ID check, huh?

  19. xstryker says:

    6% reporting: 24% Santorum, 24 Paul, 22 Romney, 14 Gingrich, 9 Perry, 6 Bachmann, 1 Huntsman

    4 votes (not %) for Cain and 2 for Roemer.

  20. xstryker says:

    Fox News is sticking it to Bachmann. Also, they say that Paul is taking a healthy 21% of Evangelicals.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Current reporting that Gary Johnson is dropping out totally and endorsing Ron Paul.

  22. xstryker says:

    Still a statistical tie:
    11% reporting: 24% Paul, 23 Santorum, 23 Romney, 13 Gingrich, 9 Perry, 6 Bachmann, 1 Huntsman

  23. xstryker says:

    Fox saying Santorum won a bellwether suburban Des Moines precinct.

  24. xstryker says:

    DKos notes that 3/4 of the electorate self ID’d Republican, compared to 9/10 last go round. That’s the Paul factor at work, along with Independents who want to vote in a Caucus with something at stake.

  25. xstryker says:

    Fox calls a strong performance for Paul in Des Moines “worrisome”.

  26. cassandra_m says:

    So the Gary Johnson story is a hoax. Current reported what they heard on MSNBC and NBC is now saying that it is a hoax.

  27. xstryker says:

    16% reporting.
    24% Paul, 23 Santorum, 23 Romney, 13 Gingrich, 10 Perry, 6 Bachmann, 1 Huntsman.

    Herman Cain and Buddy Roemer still being beaten by “No Preference”.

  28. xstryker says:

    I switched to Fox just so I can listen to people who have a personal stake in this.

  29. MJ says:

    WaPo reporting 16% in –
    Ron Paul 3,821 24.1%
    Mitt Romney 3,650 23.0%
    Rick Santorum 3,636 22.9%
    Newt Gingrich 2,058 13.0%
    Other 2,703 17.0%

  30. MJ says:

    Scumtorum is running away with it in Calhoun County (91% counted and he has 29.5% to Paul with 17.75% and Romney with 17.23%)

  31. xstryker says:

    AP shows Paul 1st, Romney in second, just 14 votes ahead of Santorum.

  32. MJ says:


    Paul 4,440 24.0%
    Santorum 4,292 23.2
    Romney 4,183 22.6
    Gingrich 2,460 13.3
    Perry 1,817 9.8
    Bachmann 1,096 5.9
    18% reporting

  33. xstryker says:

    Major pro-Romney vs. anti-Romney fighting at Fox.

  34. xstryker says:

    18% in – 4440 votes for Paul, 4292 for Santorum, 4183 for Romney

  35. MJ says:

    Thing is, Dole won in 1988 and Pat Robertson was a strong 2nd, well ahead of GHWB, and you see how far that got them.

  36. Jason330 says:

    If Paul wins this it will be fun watching the press pretend that second is really first and third is really second.

  37. MJ says:

    WaPo reporting with 22% in:

    Ron Paul 5,348 23.9%
    Rick Santorum 5,283 23.6%
    Mitt Romney 4,988 22.3%
    Newt Gingrich 2,978 13.3%
    Other 3,814 17.0%

  38. John Young says:

    Obama smartly buys every square inch of the Des Moines Register’s webiste front page not showing the results:

  39. xstryker says:

    CNN showing Paul leading in Des Moines, Romney leading in Cedar Rapids and Davenport

  40. MJ says:

    WaPo reporting with 24% in:

    Rick Santorum 6,067 23.2%
    Mitt Romney 6,060 23.2%
    Ron Paul 6,018 23.0%
    Newt Gingrich 3,502 13.4%
    Other 4,518 17.3%

    Herman Cain has 5 votes.

  41. John Young says:

    Apparently he thinks Iowa Nice:

    yes, I wanted an excuse.

  42. xstryker says:

    CNN shows tiny Howard County going for Bachmann so far.

  43. xstryker says:

    Amazing – Paul, Romney, and Santorum are within 50 votes of one another!

  44. xstryker says:

    Other: 181 votes
    Huntsman: 169
    No Preference: 90
    Herman Cain: 10
    Buddy Roemer: 8

  45. John Young says:

    cool frickin’ results map!!!

  46. xstryker says:

    26% reporting, 3 way tie at 23%
    Romney 6297, Santorum 6256, Paul 6240

  47. MJ says:

    WaPo with 30% in:

    Mitt Romney 7,425 23.1%
    Ron Paul 7,375 23.0%
    Rick Santorum 7,358 22.9%
    Newt Gingrich 4,248 13.2%
    Other 5,715 17.8%

  48. xstryker says:

    Gingrich leading in Winneshiek county

  49. MJ says:

    Scumtorum has won Boone County – 100% of the vote counted, he has 30%, Paul 21%, Romney 17%, Perry 13%

  50. xstryker says:

    Still less than 100 votes between the top 3!

  51. xstryker says:

    GOP Caucus electorate approximately 57% male.

  52. Bill Cortes says:

    I hope folks recognize the GOP Iowa caucuses will be decided by approximately 20% of registered Republicans in Iowa, or something slightly over the population of metro Wilmington. Further, the Iowa delegates (28, selected AFTER the voting takes place, will be 1% of the GOP delegates that will attend Nat’l GOP convention. This is simply a media event…and always has been. Incidently…the caucuses also permit open registration.

  53. xstryker says:

    Gingrich leading by 1 vote in Monroe county

  54. xstryker says:

    Top finishers in Emmet County, 100% in: Santorum 65 votes, Bachmann 47, Perry 43, Ronmney 42. I can’t think of a better summation of how the split in the anti-Romney vote helps him compete here.

  55. xstryker says:

    47% reporting:
    24% Santorum, 24% Romney, 22% Paul, 13/10/6/1 Ging/Perry/Bach/Hunt

  56. xstryker says:

    Santorum 13,339
    Romney 13,011
    Paul 11,972

  57. xstryker says:

    49% reporting:
    Santorum 13,594 24%
    Romney 13,204 24%
    Paul 12,205 22%

    Still no votes from Sioux City

  58. xstryker says:

    52% reporting:
    Santorum 14,606 24%
    Romney 14,205 24%
    Paul 13,145 22%

  59. xstryker says:

    Lyon County goes 61% for Santorum. O’Brien county goes 45% for Santorum.

  60. xstryker says:

    Santorum pulling ahead!
    60% reporting:
    Santorum 16,916 25%
    Romney 15,688 23%
    Paul 14,459 21%
    Gingrich 8887 13%
    Perry 7164 11%
    Bachmann 3665 5%
    Huntsman 351 1%
    Other 235
    No Preference 132
    Herman Cain 28
    Buddy Roemer 21

  61. xstryker says:

    MSNBC officially projects Paul will finish 3rd

  62. xstryker says:

    Santorum leading in Sioux City

  63. xstryker says:

    88% Reporting, and it got closer than before!

    Santorum 26,443 25%
    Romney 26,398 25%
    Paul 22,728 21%
    Gingrich 14,244 13%
    Perry 11,099 10%
    Bachmann 5496 5%
    Huntsman 628 1%

  64. xstryker says:

    Over 100,000 votes in, and Santorum and Romney are separated by less than 50 votes!

  65. xstryker says:

    Rick Perry wins Union and Taylor counties

  66. xstryker says:

    1563/1774 precincts reporting, and 13 votes separate Santorum and Romney!
    Santorum 26,552
    Romney 26,539

  67. xstryker says:

    1567/1774 precincts reporting, 19 vote lead for Santorum

    Santorum 26,608
    Romney 26,589
    Paul 22,850
    Gingrich 14,387
    Perry 11,181
    Bachmann 5526
    Huntsman 629

  68. xstryker says:

    89% reporting, 1585/1774 precincts
    Romney 27,101 25%
    Santorum 26,976 25%
    Paul 23,155 21%
    Gingrich 13%
    Perry 10%
    Bachmann 5%
    Huntsman 1%

  69. xstryker says:

    Gingrich now praising Santorum.

  70. xstryker says:

    92% reporting (1629/1774), and Romney leads by only 13 votes!
    Romney 27,830
    Santorum 27,817

  71. xstryker says:

    Santorum wins Sioux county (which is not where Sioux City is) with 46% of the vote.

  72. xstryker says:

    LEAD CHANGE – Santorum now up by 47 votes
    93% reporting (1645/1774)
    Santorum 28,049 25%
    Romney 27,977 25%
    Paul 24,144 21%
    Gingrich 15,097 13%
    Perry 11,702 10%
    Bachmann 5751 5%
    Huntsman 668 1%
    No Preference 122
    Other 109
    Cain 55
    Roemer 46

  73. xstryker says:

    Santorum leading in rural counties and Sioux City (Woodbury County). Romney leading in the other cities (Des Moines, Davenport, Cedar Rapids) and the suburbs of Omaha (Pottawattamie County)

  74. xstryker says:

    1658/1774 precincts reporting, Santorum lead grows to 129 votes
    Santorum 28,276
    Romney 28,147

  75. xstryker says:

    Bachmann delivering a speech that is 100% polemic against Obama.

  76. xstryker says:

    95% reporting, and the gap narrows a bit – Santorum leads by 54 votes
    Santorum 28,895
    Romney 28,841

  77. xstryker says:

    1700/1774 – Santorum leads by 109
    Santorum 29.017
    Romney 28.908

  78. xstryker says:

    1705/1774 – Santorum leads by 113
    Santorum 29,051
    Romney 28,938

  79. xstryker says:

    Only about half of Story county is in, which has thus far broken 27% Romney, 26% Paul, 21% Santorum. This ain’t over.

  80. xstryker says:

    DKos Elections calculates that if the outstanding precincts vote in proportion to their counties, Romney would win by 85 votes. And there will be no recounts.

  81. xstryker says:

    Santorum’s looking forward to more votes from Harrison county, where just under half has reported, and where he leads 25% to Paul’s 21% to Perry’s 18%. But Harrison is much smaller than Story, which is where Ames is.

  82. xstryker says:

    Also, only 74% of Dubuque county is in – where Romney leads 31% to Santorum’s 25%

  83. xstryker says:

    Perry is going home to Texas, in what is sure to be a precursor to his campaign’s end.

  84. xstryker says:

    Santorum’s lead shrinks to 37 votes – here it comes.
    97% reportinng (1714/1774)
    Santorum 29,210 25%
    Romney 29,173 25%
    Paul 25,307 21%

  85. xstryker says:

    Story county’s in, and Romney leads by 4! FOUR VOTES! 98% reporting:
    Romney 29,638
    Santorum 29,634

  86. xstryker says:

    WNYC is ahead of AP. 99% reporting, and Santorum’s back up – by FIVE VOTES.
    Santorum 29,662
    Romney 29,657

  87. xstryker says:

    DKos Elections crunches the new numbers, and now predicts a narrow Santorum win

  88. xstryker says:

    Santorum still has 7 precincts outstanding in Harrison County.

  89. xstryker says:

    WNYC revises its previous numbers – Romney now +12
    Romney 29,657
    Santorum 29,645

  90. xstryker says:

    WNYC’s Santorum numbers continuing to mysteriously shrink. Romney +26
    Romney 29,657
    Santorum 29,631

  91. xstryker says:

    WNYC reports Romney +22
    Romney 29,676
    Santorum 29,654

  92. xstryker says:

    Romney +10
    Romney 29,683
    Santorum 29,673

    Harrison still at 46%

  93. xstryker says:

    DKos Elections number crunching (predicting how remaining precincts will vote) comes out with a projected TIE! Insane!

  94. xstryker says:

    Harrison County’s in, delivering a big gain for Santorum – Santorum now leads by 27 votes.
    Santorum 29,892
    Romney 29,865

  95. xstryker says:

    Santorum +18
    Santorum 29,944
    Romney 29,926

  96. xstryker says:

    Looks like there’s a precinct left in Clinton County, which went 31% to Romney and 26% for Santorum

  97. xstryker says:

    Another precinct remains in Keokuk County, which Santorum is winning 24% to Romney’s 19%. But Keokuk is smaller than Clinton.

  98. xstryker says:

    Did I mention McCain is apparently going to endorse Romney tomorrow?

  99. xstryker says:

    The AP site confirms it – only 2 precincts left.

  100. xstryker says:

    Still waiting for the final 2 precincts, which represent Clinton City and Sigourney City, both of which have been going for Romney.

  101. xstryker says:

    Not sure what just happened, but WNYC is now showing a 1 vote lead for Romney. This is historic!!!
    Romney 29,957
    Santorum 29,956

  102. xstryker says:

    1775/1776 – Santorum +4. Keokuk/Sigourney City is in. This will go down to the LAST PRECINCT!
    Santorum 29,968
    Romney 29,964

  103. xstryker says:

    Still no reporting from the final precinct in Clinton City, but apparently the Romney camp is declaring a 14 vote victory after speaking with state officials.

  104. xstryker says:

    I’m going to have to assume Romney’s right, because its way past my bed time and I’m packing it in.

  105. MJ says:

    From a friend – tonight it’s like Mormon, Munchkin, Douchebag, Dolt.

  106. Truth Teller says:

    When you add up the years and money spent by Mitt to secure this so called victory just what did each of those 8 votes cost him??? Now we have the old man John McCain coming out today to support a brother million heir forgetting that when he was a POW during Nam Mitt was avoiding Military Service by going to France to convert Christians to the Mormon Cult.