Delaware Liberal

Top Post of 2011

The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence Upon Marriage and Family

Congrats Pandora. 3,131 views. (Some of which were probably from rubes looking for internet validation for their bigotry. What they got was something very different. Ha ha suckers!)

Top Ten Search Terms for 2011

delaware liberal 27,785
delawareliberal 2,276
ofac countries 1,160
haha funny 1,084
encrypted_search_terms 950
football 533
delaware liberal blog 527
rand paul racist 512
ofac country list 507
casey anthony story 458

So I guess I’m not the only person who types “delawareliberal” in google every time I come here instead of using the infernal bookmarks and other so-called convinces.

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