BREAKING: More Recess Appointments

Filed in National by on January 4, 2012

Think Progress is reporting:

President Obama is planning to announce today that, in addition to his recess appointment of former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray as the first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, he will also use his recess appointment powers to place Department of Labor Attorney Sharon Block, labor lawyer Richard Griffin, and NLRB counsel Terence Flynn to the National Labor Relations Board.

In other news… Republican heads continue to explode.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Love it! Especially Cordray. Apparently the world cannot be ruled from the House alone. Mitch McConnell? He’s not exploding, he’s melting.

  2. puck says:

    I’m just waiting for the first Democratic criticism of the Cordray appointment. Delaware senators are silent so far. To be fair, it just happened hours ago. But if they are lukewarm or say nothing it will speak volumes about who they work for. Remember, Carper called for a new nominee.

    By the way, Coons is still clinging to support of his Internet Censorship Act.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Puck School of Business fires a shot over Carper’s bow. We know Carper reads Puck SoB, so I’m hitting the refresh button from now until Carper cries uncle and issues a glowing statement about how the President needed to smack down Republican idiocy.

  4. jason330 says:

    It looks like Carper has some cover to say something nice about the Cordray appointment. Even Republicans like it:

    Scott Brown Supports Obama Cordray Appointment

    Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) appears to be on board with President Obama’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Huffington Post’s Michael McAuliff tweets.

    “I would have strongly preferred [the]..normal confirmation process [but the] system is completely broken,” said Brown.