Delaware Liberal

Rick Santorum VS Contraception

Now that Rick Santorum has won the Iowa Caucus – Yes.  He really did. – let’s give his craziness some attention.  BTW, have I mentioned how much I love this Republican nightmare?

Via Think Progress:

Rick Santorum reiterated his belief that states should have the right to outlaw contraception during an interview with ABC News yesterday, saying, “The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have.”


As he told editor Shane Vander Hart in October, “One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country,” the former Pennsylvania senator explained. “It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

Do things in a sexual realm? Is that supposed to soften the term sexual?

This is yet again another Republican trying to punish women and men who have sex for pleasure rather than for procreation.  In Santorum’s defense, he’s at least honest about the Conservative GOP agenda.  I must say the new Republican strategy of alienating every single minority group is quite unique.  Are there large groups of Conservative white males unaccounted for?   Because the math isn’t adding up to victory.

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