Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [1.4.12]

And I’m spent. Let me tell you my last 12 hours. I am in an all day deposition yesterday, from 9 until 6. On the way out of that deposition, I am asked by another attorney if I am flying out to Nashville tomorrow, and I increduously say “No” …. and then remember that I have a case in Tennessee…. and say internally “Shit” and externally “Why??” Because we have the deposition of this blankity blank witness. I run down Market Street to my office, and once there I search for the Notice of Deposition that all parties are supposed to get. Nothing. I make frantic calls. Nothing. I email Plaintiff’s counsel, and get the notice finally sent to me. Yep, there is a dep in Nashville on Thursday. F*ck. It means that I have to fly out today, all the while I am prepping for another trial in another case. So I go about booking a flight, reserving a hotel, renting a car, and cancelling other appointments I have on Wednesday and Thursday, all of this taking me deep into Wednesday night, which was a good thing as I was spared hearing or watching Caucus coverage of several evil horrible disgusting candidates. I go home to pack, and then sleep.

And I get to work this morning, and the dep is cancelled.


So that was a longwinded way of saying, I got nothing today. Thankfully, the wonderful Pandora is picking up the slack.

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