This is Rich….

Filed in National by on January 12, 2012

So I have been doing a little reading about Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney. As you may know, George Romney was a Governor of Michigan in the 1960’s, and he was for much of 1967 the frontrunner for not only the GOP nomination for the Presidency, but also the Presidency itself as he was leading Lyndon Johnson in the polls at the time. What I didn’t know about George Romney is that he was not an American. Because he was never born here.

Here’s the story: George Romney’s grandparents, Mitt Romney’s great-grandparents, were polygamous Mormons who fled the United States with their children because of the federal government’s crackdown on polygamy at the turn of the last century. There, in 1907, in Galeana, Chihuahua, Mexico, George Romney was born. George Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, is a Mexican by birth. He was raised in Mexico during his childhood, until the Romney clan finally decided to return to America, illegally. So Mexican George Romney is also an illegal alien.

So this is rich on two levels. First, you have the whole Mexican immigration angle. The Republican base hates Mexicans. They hate immigration. Then you have the whole birther angle. Recall that the Republican teabagging base were screaming, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the President is not a natural born citizen (i.e. he was born somewhere else). The birther movement lost its media spotlight and some followers after the President released his long form birth certificate, but I guarantee you that many in the Republican base still believe that the President was not born in this country. And now they will be forced to accept a candidate whose father actually was not born in this country.

Indeed, when Romney was running for President himself, some questioned whether Romney was eligible to serve as President since was not a natural born citizen. But it surely did not become the firestorm that we witnessed with respect to President Obama. Perhaps if Romney’s campaign had lasted longer, it would have. But imagine for a moment that Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya and tried the run for the Presidency himself. The press firestorm would have been what we saw earlier in 2011 when Trumps was riling them up, if not more so. But no outrage was expressed, then or now, regarding the presidential candidacy of illegal alien George Romney.

That’s probably because Mexican George Romney was white and rich. He looked like a “reel murkin.” And American Barack Obama is not and, apparently to the Republican base, does not.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    my head just exploded.

  2. MJ says:

    Some of the birthers also say that President Obama is ineligible to serve because his father was not a natural born citizen. What’s good for the goose should be good for Willard.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    does this make MItt an anchor baby?

  4. puck says:

    Learned a new word today: “birthtards.” I’m going to have a good laugh and then never say it again.

  5. occam says:

    First Hispanic President? I am intrigued.

  6. puck says:

    I think the grandparents who went to Mexico did not lose their American citizenship, so all their children born in Mexico are US citizens, right? But then you get into the undefined zone of what is a “natural” citizen.

  7. socialistic ben says:

    no puck, Mitt Romney is an illegal anchor baby. He took money from americans, evaded taxes, and gave jobs to who knows how many illegals.

  8. Aoine says:


    but just to say it – I told you so – the Mexicans did their homework a long time ago on this “pandejo”you “mericans r late

  9. Aoine says:

    @puck – if the child is born overseas and the parents do not file an affidavit of foreign birth – then the kid is NOT an American citizen

    thems the rules! USC title 8

  10. rusty dils says:

    Delaware dem , the reason you did not know this information is because you have a very closed mind. All this information has been common knowledge for some time to almost anyone who has followed the 2008, or 2012 presidential election. Are you claiming this has any relavance to the current presidential election, or are you just stating publically that you are much slower at finding out information than most people.

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    Of course it is relevant to this election. The racist evil teabagging Republican Party has made it their mission to demonize President Obama at every turn, to turn him into an un-American, to claim that in fact he is not an American with all their birther nonsense. All the while, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee to challenge Obama, a man who tries to burnish his conservative credentials by attacking Mexicans and illegal immigrants, has as his father an illegal Mexican-born immigrant. In legal terms, the Republican Party has opened the door to this. The irony and hypocrisy of the Republican Party is so thick I can cut it with a knife.

    And it is a lie that this was common knowledge. Sure, if you did the research back in 2008, you could have found this out. But I don’t recall anyone making a big deal about it. Which further confirms my point. No big deal was made about it in 2008 because George Romney was white and he was rich. The whole birther business had nothing ever to do with facts. Birthers don’t oppose Obama because they really do think he was born elsewhere and thus is ineligible for the Presidency. Because to anyone with a brain cell between their ears, the well known and easily provable fact is that Obama was born in Hawaii. No, they bought into the birther lie to hide the real reason they hate Obama = their racism.

  12. rusty dils says:

    One correction to your story, George romneys parents were born in the us. George romney was born in Mexico. However, during that time, the Mexican constitution did not allow Americans who moved to Mexico, or their Mexican born children to be citizens of Mexico. So yes, George romney was born in Mexico, so he was not a us citezin, but since Mexico would not grant him Mexican citezin ship, he was not a citezin of Mexico, so it was impossible for him to come here illegally.
    As usually, you leave out the important details.

    If you really want you and your readers to learn about the life of George romney, Google.him, and look at his complete story in Wikipedia. He lived a most amazing life. Much more moderate than mitt, was one of the very early civil rights proponents. I caanot think of someone who accomplished more in his life than George romney.

  13. rusty dils says:

    Delaware dem, try real hard to logic this out. President Obama was elected in 2008 by the citezins of the united states.
    That was not racism. In 2012 mitt romney will be elected by the citezins of the united states, again, that is not racism. You need to lay off racism, no body is buying it, and you should’t be selling it.

  14. MJ says:

    Rusty, your head must hurt like hell after writing the nonsense you come up with. And please, use spell-check or something. I’d be embarrassed to publish things with as many spelling and grammatical mistakes as you make.