When Mitt Romney Came To Town – Absolutely Devastating

Filed in National by on January 12, 2012

If you haven’t watched Newt Gingrich’s Super Pac Ad… watch it now.  It is absolutely devastating.

Steve Benen Says:

The video is a wholesale condemnation, not only of Romney’s private-equity work, but of the business model Romney relied on to get exceedingly rich. Aside from some oblique xenophobic slights sprinkled into the script, it is as liberal an indictment against the former governor as anything I’ve seen.

Ed Kilgore describes is as “one of the most devilishly effective attack communications I’ve personally ever seen–a heat-seeking missile aimed directly at the white orking class id.”


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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (33)

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  1. MJ says:

    Foreign seed money from Latin America = narco dollars

  2. anon says:

    28 minutes isn’t an ad, it’s a TV episode. Where’s the 30-second version? I’m an American – my attention span isn’t

  3. Jason330 says:

    I read that Bain is responsible for every election Romney has lost. When the dust settles we need to remember to send Newt a box of chocolates.

  4. pandora says:

    What more could we ask for? R on R crime with a liberal script. Consider also how seriously Independents will listen to an attack that isn’t deemed partisan.

    Perhaps a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne?

  5. Jason330 says:

    I’m only 12 minutes in, but this thing makes Romney unelectable.

  6. pandora says:

    I didn’t plan on watching the entire thing this morning, but once I started I couldn’t look away. It really is devastating to Mitt.

  7. socialistic ben says:

    only to us, pandora.
    i think the “sometimes you have to make tough decisions, and the “life isnt fair” argument will work on a lot of people. most of their supporters think they are actually millionaires and all that is preventing that is the gumment giving money to “bleaugh” people

  8. pandora says:

    Actually, Ben, this is a pretty big hit due to where it’s coming from. IMO, if the Ds ran this as it would be damaging, but less effective since it would be viewed a a partisan attack. Independents will consider the source – which will tell you why Republicans are freaking out over it.

  9. socialistic ben says:

    Newt is already apologizing for “going too far”. the other candidates are defending romney. EVERYONE will be on the “this is how free markets work, you too can make a million dollars” bandwagon by the time the general election rolls around. they will have a unified message, and this will be long forgotten.
    forgive me for being cynical, but it has always worked for them.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Absolutely brutal. There could be a backlash within the GOP which gives Romney the nomination, but he is the deadest of dead ducks in the general.

    BTW – props to OWS for chanting “Wall Street Greed!” in response to one of his stump speeches.

  11. pandora says:

    Um… where are you seeing Newt backing down?

  12. PBaumbach says:

    there’s a 3 minute version, marked as from ‘Winning Our Future’ on you tube, under ‘when mitt came to town’

  13. puck says:

    Head exploded less than 2 minutes in. NEWT! NEWT! NEWT! NEWT!

  14. puck says:

    I hear Perry is making the same kind of video, only dumber.

  15. Jason330 says:

    As the spin control continues, Newt keeps providing raw material for Plouffe and Axlerod to use in the general:

    That’s not an issue about the whole capitalist system. That’s a question about a very particular style of activity involving a very particular person. Remember, we’re not talking about the system. We’re talking about somebody who is running for president of the united states and we’re asking a question about his judgment, his values, the choices he made. Seems to me that’s very central to what kind of a president he will be.

  16. puck says:

    Plouffe and Axelrod should be fired for not thinking of this themselves.

  17. Jason330 says:

    I read that they had it loaded up and ready to go, but Newt blew the timing on them. If Romney can get past this, Newt’s rash timing may work to Romney’s advantage by allowing the lazy ass media to think of it as yesterday’s news.

    On a related note, it is nice to see Team Obama going all in on an income inequality message for the general.

  18. puck says:

    Can Newt Effing Gingrich really lead Obama to progressivism where all others have failed?

    TR 1901 = Newt 2012

  19. anonone says:

    Now that would be rich, puck!

  20. rusty dils says:

    Jason, don’t you ever get tired of being wrong, or do you just have a bad, bad, memory. (Let’s see, who was it on this site who said Perry was going to get the nomination. I think he got 12 votes in new Hampshire.

    I think it is time that I tell all you liberals on this site a secret about liberals that none of you guys and gals know.
    Are you ready.

    Any liberal arguement, no matter the length, one sentence, one paragraph, one page, one chapter, or more, always, 100% of the time contains inaccurate information. It has two, because non of your arguements make sense to normal people who live in a normal society.

    Let’s take basins stastement that romney is the deadest of dead ducks in the general.
    Totally false. First of all, it has Been 172 years since the united states gave 3 consecutive presidents 2 termse

  21. pandora says:

    Your English teachers must sob themselves to sleep every night, Rusty.

  22. DE Idealist says:

    First of all, can you really begin the final point in your ridiculous rant with first of all?

  23. This is going to leave a mark. Gingrich is doing this because it tests well in focus groups. I’m seeing a lot of dissension among the GOP ranks on the issue of vulture capitalism. Will this issue finally peel the big money boyz away from the culture warriors? Even Sarah Palin is saying Romney needs to prove his 100,000 jobs claim plus release his taxes.

  24. MJ says:

    Rusty, the problem with RWNJs like you is that you have small brains in your pointy, little heads and are incapable of even the basic logic or reasoning.

  25. Truth Teller says:

    This will explaine a lot


  26. socialistic ben says:

    Rusty, that was absolutely hilarious and adorable! you’ve taught your 2nd grader how to take dictation. you may want to check hiz/her spelling because it is really bad! just look for all the red zig-zag lines under the words. Some computers will even change it for him/hur.

  27. Jason330 says:

    I’ve been thinking about this film since watching it yesterday afternoon because it is haunting. Romney’s claims to be a businessman, who “knows how the economy operates” make him seem more like a mafia crime boss than a capitalist. The way Bain used mafia style “bust outs” on the companies they acquired is indefensible.

    The film could have been done by Current TV or Democracy Now.

  28. socialistic ben says:

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/13/newt-gingrich-bain-attack-film-edit-romney_n_1204814.html you asked about why i thought newt was backing down.
    there ya go. the Repukes have gotten their talking-to about saying nasty things about the All POwerful Free Market… blessing of money and bloody be unto HIM….
    i give them a week before they try and tie it to Obama.

  29. pandora says:

    Too little, too late, Ben. The damage is done… and Newt knows it. He’ll make all the right noises while the ad plays on, and on, and on.

    Oh, he’ll run to the right – that was never in doubt – but the ad lives on.

  30. puck says:

    Newt had his fingers crossed when he took it back. If he needs the ad, it’ll run again.

    SC poll:
    Romney came in at 29 percent, followed by Gingrich at 25 percent, Paul at 20 percent, Perry at 9 percent, Rick Santorum at 7 percent and Jon Huntsman at 1 percent.

  31. bamboozer says:

    Knew this was coming but not from the Republicans themselves. It seems the Gipper’s prime directive is truely dead and gone, Republicans most certainly do talk bad about other Republicans and rather well at that. Romney has a huge problem, and as such so do the Republicans. Thanks Newt, even in a pile of garbage some good can grow.


    im still not convinced this wont all go away. Think about the North Korea like-grip they have on the information received by their voters. If there is one thing we know about the right wing in this country, they are coordinated enough, that if they say it loud enough and enough times, it is what many many many people will believe.
    how many republicans STILL THINK Obama is kenyan?