Friday the 13th Open Thread [1.13.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 13, 2012

The Future Belongs to the Curious from Skillshare on Vimeo.

Now onto some polling goodness:

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 34, Santorum 15, Gingrich 14, Paul 13, Perry 5, Huntsman 2

NATIONAL (YouGov/Economist): Romney 26, Santorum 19, Gingrich 15, Paul 15, Huntsman 6, Perry 6

SOUTH CAROLINA (Insider Advantage): Romney 23, Gingrich 21, Santorum 14, Paul 13, Huntsman 7, Perry 5

SOUTH CAROLINA (ARG): Romney 29, Gingrich 25, Paul 20, Perry 9, Santorum 7, Huntsman 1

NATIONAL (YouGov/Economist): Obama d. Romney (45-43); Obama d. Paul (44-41); Obama d. Santorum (48-41)

The Romney Tax Plan: A blow job for the Wealthy, and a Fuck You to Everyone Else.

The Romney plan would provide massive tax cuts at the top of the income scale. In fact, more than half of its total tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent of households (that is, people with incomes over $630,000), according to TPC. The average millionaire would receive a tax cut of $146,000 in 2015, in addition to the $141,000 he or she would receive from an extension of the Bush tax cuts. By contrast, the plan would hurt poor Americans by not extending some recently enacted tax policies aimed at low- and moderate-income families.

Under Romney’s plan, the top 1% would receive on average an $82,188 tax cut and the top 0.1% would receive a $464,005 tax cut. 77% of Mitt Romney’s tax cut would go to the top 1%—and 44% would go to the top 0.1%. Meanwhile, If you make below $40,000, your taxes are going up to help out the rich.

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  1. anonymous says:

    On Monday, Jan. 19 Martin Luther King day, there will be a rally at the Old Town Hall, 5th and Market Street at 11:00am. For decades a group of black community leaders have been working to establish an African American Museum. When Jim Sills was Mayor of Wilmington he put money into an account to move the project forward.

    Mayor Baker comes to office and puts up $1M for the project. Over the last two days upon hearing Mayor Baker made an arbitrary decision to deliver a contract to the Delaware Historical Society instead of the African American Museum has caused an outrage within the black community.

    We ask all people of good concience to please attend this Rally on Monday and help us get the Wilmington City Council to hold public hearings on this issue. Jim Baker wants a fight, lets give him one.

  2. Jason330 says:

    RIP Delawareonline.

  3. Blu Gal in DE says:

    Hi all, just got a letter from the News Journal. Looks like they will be putting Delawareonline behind a paywall Feb. 1st.

    Plus, they’re increasing subscriptions to $23/month which will include access to delawareonline. I called about my subscription and asked what it will cost for delawareonline only – $15/month.

    Just thought you’d be interested.

  4. MJ says:

    NYTimes did this, but gives people access to 20 articles a month. Guess no one is going to be reading delawareonline anymore.

  5. puck says:

    So now bloggers will have $15 subscriptions and will summarize the important news for us. Get ready for new DL readers.

    I hope the NJ blogs aren’t axed and aren’t behind the paywall as well. They are working well to keep the news current between editions and add extended material.

    I know you can currently access News Journal articles behind their 30-day pay archive via the public library website, if you have a library card. I wonder if that will be available for daily articles behind the new paywall.

    So long, delawareonline. Hello, CommunityPub, Cape Gazette, and more.

  6. MJ says:

    “Effective February 1, 2012, as a subscriber you will have full access to This is a privilege …”

    A privilege? Someone’s been smoking wacky weed.

  7. John Young says:

    yep. Gannett’s bank account apparently has furloughed itself to empty….funny how that works when you treat your workers like crap….

    Just like we’re doing in our schools….and people wonder why we are struggling so…

  8. puck says:

    Well, they’ve got to pay for Craig Dubow’s $37 million golden parachute somehow.

    FYI, Gannett news including this paywall is pretty well covered by