Delaware Liberal

Friday the 13th Open Thread [1.13.12]

The Future Belongs to the Curious from Skillshare on Vimeo.

Now onto some polling goodness:

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 34, Santorum 15, Gingrich 14, Paul 13, Perry 5, Huntsman 2

NATIONAL (YouGov/Economist): Romney 26, Santorum 19, Gingrich 15, Paul 15, Huntsman 6, Perry 6

SOUTH CAROLINA (Insider Advantage): Romney 23, Gingrich 21, Santorum 14, Paul 13, Huntsman 7, Perry 5

SOUTH CAROLINA (ARG): Romney 29, Gingrich 25, Paul 20, Perry 9, Santorum 7, Huntsman 1

NATIONAL (YouGov/Economist): Obama d. Romney (45-43); Obama d. Paul (44-41); Obama d. Santorum (48-41)

The Romney Tax Plan: A blow job for the Wealthy, and a Fuck You to Everyone Else.

The Romney plan would provide massive tax cuts at the top of the income scale. In fact, more than half of its total tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent of households (that is, people with incomes over $630,000), according to TPC. The average millionaire would receive a tax cut of $146,000 in 2015, in addition to the $141,000 he or she would receive from an extension of the Bush tax cuts. By contrast, the plan would hurt poor Americans by not extending some recently enacted tax policies aimed at low- and moderate-income families.

Under Romney’s plan, the top 1% would receive on average an $82,188 tax cut and the top 0.1% would receive a $464,005 tax cut. 77% of Mitt Romney’s tax cut would go to the top 1%—and 44% would go to the top 0.1%. Meanwhile, If you make below $40,000, your taxes are going up to help out the rich.

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