So John Edwards has some kind of heart condition. Apparently, its a real one and not some kind of hyped up condition like what Junior Soprano did when he was on trial. At least, the judge seems to think so.
“The public has an interest in a speedy trial,” Eagles said from the bench. “Ordinarily, I would try to manage something like this. But clearly there are some limitations on Mr. Edwards due to real and serious health issues.”
His doctor had recommended he not drive or travel, but at the judge’s request, Edwards was in court. He didn’t appear to have any outward signs of illness, though he was without his usual quick smile or bounce in his step.
The trial has already been delayed twice, including a continuance granted so Edwards could attend his eldest daughter’s wedding.
Prosecutors took no position on whether the judge should grant the delay due the defendant’s health condition, but said they were ready to try Edwards. He is accused of concealing nearly $1 million in cash and checks from wealthy donors used to help hide his pregnant mistress during his 2008 White House run.
I think John Edwards is scum. I think he is probably guilty of the charges, but probably only serves probation and fines. I think his public and career ending disgrace is punishment enough.
NATIONAL (CNN/Opinion Research): Romney 34, Gingrich 18, Paul 15, Santorum 15, Perry 9, Huntsman 4
NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 34, Gingrich 15, Santorum 14, Paul 12, Perry 5, Huntsman 2
ARIZONA (Behavior Research Center): Romney 41, Santorum 14, Gingrich 9, Perry 5, Paul 4, Huntsman 2
FLORIDA (FL Chamber of Commerce): Romney 34, Gingrich 19, Santorum 14, Paul 7, Cain (?!) 5, Bachmann (?!) 4, Perry 4, Huntsman 1
SOUTH CAROLINA (American Research Group): Romney 29, Gingrich 25, Paul 20, Perry 9, Santorum 7, Huntsman 1
SOUTH CAROLINA (PPP): Romney 29, Gingrich 24, Paul 15, Santorum 14, Perry 6, Huntsman 5, Roemer 1
SOUTH CAROLINA (Rasmussen): Romney 28, Gingrich 21, Paul 16, Santorum 16, Perry 6, Huntsman 5
NATIONAL (Democracy Corps): Obama d. Romney (47-46); Obama d. Romney and Ron Paul (I) (43-34-18); And … in a special 5-way tabulation: Obama 42, Romney 30, Paul 14, Trump 7, Bloomberg 4
NATIONAL (Rasmussen): Obama d. Paul (43-37)
ARIZONA (Behavior Research Center): Romney d. Obama (43-37); Obama d. Paul (44-36); Obama d. Santorum (43-34); Obama d. Gingrich (45-35)