Delaware Liberal

Still the Party of Bush and Palin.

Because both of them still have more influence over Republicans with their potential endorsement than their local man or woman of God. 28% of Republican primary voters say former President Bush’s endorsement will sway them. 23% say that with respect to Palin. Both rank at the top of the list, higher than their priest, rabbi or pastor.

With respect to Bush, while his name has never been on the lips of either the primary candidates or the primary voters (indeed, they both act like he never existed and that all the problems he left us are the fault of Obama), he is very much in the hearts and minds of your average Republican. And I will bet you any amount of money, the minute they defeat Obama, the historic revision and Bush legacy restoration will begin in earnest. He will be seen as a “great President.” Because, in the hearts and minds of your average Republican, he was. To them.

Former President Bush won’t endorse until there is a presumptive nominee. But Palin will probably, if she doesn’t offer herself as a last minute savior. I wonder, after seeing these numbers, if Republican candidates are now beating down her down, giving her the attention she craves.

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