Monday Daily Delawhere [1.16.12]
This is the Hockession Community Center now, on Mill Creek Road. However, can anyone tell me what this building once was, and its significance?
This is the Hockession Community Center now, on Mill Creek Road. However, can anyone tell me what this building once was, and its significance?
Former Colored School 107C. Black students in Hockessin area were bused past closer white schools to attend this one. Sarah Bulah, on behalf of daughter Shirley, filed suit (Louis L. Redding Jr. was her attorney) and the case became part of Brown vs. Board of Education
Looks like it was a nice little school.
Not meant as a criticism of Del Dem, but this photo is misleading. I don’t recall the details, but the building has an enormous addition round back that stands half-finished because the money ran out, and has barely avoided the auction block a couple of times now.
No intent to mislead here. The photo was taken to capture what the school looked like then, because that is the real point of this post.
>Black students in Hockessin area were bused past closer white schools to attend this one.
I think you meant to say school, as there was only one public school in Hockessin at the time. That building is now Hockessin Baptist Church.