Wednesday Open Thread [1.18.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 18, 2012

A Rick Santorum staffer actually believes that it would be wrong for a woman to serve as president because it’s against “God’s highest desire” and “his biblically expressed will.” Um… yeah. If that’s God’s highest desire, then God is a sexist punk who deserves to have his ass sued rather than worshipped. I think someone should question little Ricky on the subject.

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments Wednesday on the latest battle in the continuing War over the Delaware River. This battle concerns a $300 million project to deepen the Delaware River shipping channel from a depth of 40 feet to 45 feet, to allow for more shipping traffic. Environmental groups, Delaware and New Jersey officials fear the dredging could stir up toxic sediment, which would endanger drinking water and hurt fisheries.


SOUTH CAROLINA (Rasmussen): Romney 35, Gingrich 21, Santorum 16, Paul 16, Perry 5

NATIONAL (ABC/Washington Post): Romney 36, Gingrich 16, Paul 16, Santorum 13, Perry 9

NATIONAL (Gallup): Romney 34, Gingrich 15, Santorum 15, Paul 12, Perry 6

FLORIDA (Voter Survey Service): Romney 46, Gingrich 20, Santorum 12, Paul 9, Perry 3

TEXAS (PPP): Romney 24, Gingrich 23, Perry 18, Santorum 15, Paul 12


NATIONAL (ABC/Washington Post): Romney d. Obama (48-46); Obama d. Paul (49-42); Obama d. Santorum (52-41); Obama d. Gingrich (52-40)

NATIONAL (Rasmussen): Obama d. Gingrich (47-38)

NATIONAL (PPP): Obama d. Romney (49-44). Obama d. Paul (47-42). Obama d. Gingrich (49-42). Obama d. Santorum (50-42). Obama d. Perry (51-40).

One thing that really stands out in this poll is the extent to which Obama has claimed the middle. He’s up 68-27 on Romney with moderates. He also leads by 20 points with voters under 45, a group there’s been some concern about slippage with, and he has a 66-30 advantage with Hispanics.

Third party matchups? PPP has them:

Obama 41, Romney 38, Stephen Colbert 13. Now that’s interesting and too close to be funny. It’s the first third party matchup that hurts Obama rather than the GOP.

Obama 47, Romney 40, Gary Johnson 7. Question: isn’t that going to happen? I thought Gary Johnson was running for the Libertarian nomination, or am I wrong?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Poor Newt. He can’t get Santorum to quit and sign over his supporters.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Perry isn’t wanted by his own state, even.

    And I’m particularly enjoying how much Perry has imploded here. Not matter how much Sarah Palin tries to prop him up.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    It’s not dead. The permit is rejected, but allows TransCanada to still work on development of the data for the alternate route.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Yep. The Not-Romneys are in complete disarray. Mitt hasn’t exactly smashed his 30% ceiling with Huntsman out, but he has cracked it. I guess Santorum and Newt keep looking at that 65% favoring not-Romney and feel like if they are the last not-Romney standing, the nomination is a cake walk.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Would you settle for a war with the Irish over Hummus?

  6. socialistic ben says:

    So now that the Canadian Sand Pipeline is dead, do you think we have a strong enough case to start WW3 with Iran over Hormuz? i sure hope so.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    What is it with these comments jumping around?

  8. Jason330 says:

    I shouldn’t typing so close to my flux capacitor.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    So I guess that Palin isn’t propping up Perry now — she’s telling folks she would vote for Gingrich in SC. Apparently she’s an Anybody But Romney gal.

  10. xstryker says:

    Great article from DKos on why the SOPA/PIPA anti-piracy bills go way too far, from someone who supports fighting online piracy. These are the kind of arguments that should have traction with Carney, Carper, and Coons when you call them today. Yes, call Coons despite his co-sponsorship of the bill – any final bill that passes will be heavily amended, and there’s still time to gut the worst provisions.

  11. xstryker says:

    Most importantly, the bills basically suspend due process, and allow domestic (and foreign) websites to be seized and shut down by the government without a court order. That basically puts our digital rights in line with China’s.

  12. Jason330 says:

    Nice job Beau Biden, John Kowalko, and Helen Keeley on my TV just now announcing mediation prior to possible home foreclosure.

  13. rustydils says:

    on grass roots website today, (I am sure you guys have never gone their). There is a seven minute video from one of the news channels with two of the people in the king of bain movie, they basically say that they were never told what the movie was about, and that there comments were taken out of context. the layoffs that occurred were when bain no longer owned the company.

    A teachers union in canada owned it by then. The statements in the movie about being worried about not having health insurance, was unrelated to bain. It was when they were thinking about leaving the company to start their own business and (well after bain no longer owned them), and were worried about not having health insurance when they started their own business, but that was never mentioned in the movie. One of the fellows said that after bain bought the company, he received 30% salary increase, along with two promotions. Both of these individuals wanted to set the record straight. One of them says he has not made up his mind who to vote for, and the other says he is in florida, and is going to vote for Mitt Romney. you can view this video for yourself on the front page of the grass roots website
    you don’t have to take my word for it.

    P.S. One of them was sweating, and asked for a kleenex during the movie, the movie made it seem like he was crying, and he was just wiping sweat off his face.

  14. Jason330 says:

    I blame the liberal media.

  15. rusty dils says:

    Breaking, tomorrow night, newts in trouble. Hell hath no fury like……….

  16. Liberal Elite says:

    It’s not just Newt… Looks like Romney has been offshoring his profits and not paying a lot of taxes.
    Instead of paying 15%, he might be paying only 5%.

    America doesn’t like tax cheats, especially wealthy ones.

    So much for those old tax returns of his. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

  17. socialistic ben says:

    I hope you’re right, Rusty. The republican electorate has chosen to represent themselves as people who want to leave sick people to die, boo gay soldiers, and roar with applause at the idea of firing janitors and making all the little black kids clean the toilets for .50 an hour. This might put newt over the top.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Mitt will have to use the Leona Helmsley defense: “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes,” That plays well in GOP circles where they are all millionaires (or would be millionaires if not for the gays and Mexicans wrecking everything!)

    In Newt’s defense, wife number 2 married him with the full knowledge of Newt’s assholerly. Her testimony is colored by the fact that she has such poor judgment that she could do something like marry Newt Gingrich.

  19. rustydils says:

    liberal elite. as usual you leave out key details. Mitt has investments in the cayman islands, reported since 2007 election cycle
    (thats 4 plus years ago for those of you who are counting), but, he paid us taxes on the investment, not a lower rate of 5%. that part of your statement is wrong.

  20. Liberal Elite says:

    Rusty, The whole point of offshoring is to AVOID paying taxes. If this is what and why Romney was doing, he will lose many votes for it when people learn the details.

  21. Jason330 says:

    “investments” in CI banks that created tens of jobs for Cayman Island accountants. It is as American as apple pie. More evidence that Mitt is a true everyman ‘Merican patriot.

  22. pandora says:

    On Daily Kos they are spelling Romney as Rmoney.

  23. cassandra_m says:


    LOVE That!

  24. Jason330 says:

    Love it.

  25. Jason330 says:

    I can’t help but think back to the Dem primary when we had to choose between two great candidates.