Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [1.18.12]

A Rick Santorum staffer actually believes that it would be wrong for a woman to serve as president because it’s against “God’s highest desire” and “his biblically expressed will.” Um… yeah. If that’s God’s highest desire, then God is a sexist punk who deserves to have his ass sued rather than worshipped. I think someone should question little Ricky on the subject.

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments Wednesday on the latest battle in the continuing War over the Delaware River. This battle concerns a $300 million project to deepen the Delaware River shipping channel from a depth of 40 feet to 45 feet, to allow for more shipping traffic. Environmental groups, Delaware and New Jersey officials fear the dredging could stir up toxic sediment, which would endanger drinking water and hurt fisheries.


SOUTH CAROLINA (Rasmussen): Romney 35, Gingrich 21, Santorum 16, Paul 16, Perry 5

NATIONAL (ABC/Washington Post): Romney 36, Gingrich 16, Paul 16, Santorum 13, Perry 9

NATIONAL (Gallup): Romney 34, Gingrich 15, Santorum 15, Paul 12, Perry 6

FLORIDA (Voter Survey Service): Romney 46, Gingrich 20, Santorum 12, Paul 9, Perry 3

TEXAS (PPP): Romney 24, Gingrich 23, Perry 18, Santorum 15, Paul 12


NATIONAL (ABC/Washington Post): Romney d. Obama (48-46); Obama d. Paul (49-42); Obama d. Santorum (52-41); Obama d. Gingrich (52-40)

NATIONAL (Rasmussen): Obama d. Gingrich (47-38)

NATIONAL (PPP): Obama d. Romney (49-44). Obama d. Paul (47-42). Obama d. Gingrich (49-42). Obama d. Santorum (50-42). Obama d. Perry (51-40).

One thing that really stands out in this poll is the extent to which Obama has claimed the middle. He’s up 68-27 on Romney with moderates. He also leads by 20 points with voters under 45, a group there’s been some concern about slippage with, and he has a 66-30 advantage with Hispanics.

Third party matchups? PPP has them:

Obama 41, Romney 38, Stephen Colbert 13. Now that’s interesting and too close to be funny. It’s the first third party matchup that hurts Obama rather than the GOP.

Obama 47, Romney 40, Gary Johnson 7. Question: isn’t that going to happen? I thought Gary Johnson was running for the Libertarian nomination, or am I wrong?

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