Friday Open Thread [1.20.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 20, 2012

Tomorrow’s the big day: the day when Newt Gingrich actually wins a Presidential primary. I never thought I’d see this day come. Truly horrifying and utterly hysterical all at once.


SOUTH CAROLINA (We Ask America): Gingrich 32, Romney 28, Paul 13, Santorum 9

SOUTH CAROLINA (PPP): Gingrich 35, Romney 29, Paul 15, Santorum 15

SOUTH CAROLINA (American Research Group): Gingrich 33, Romney 32, Paul 19, Santorum 9

SOUTH CAROLINA (Insider Advantage): Gingrich 32, Romney 29, Paul 15, Santorum 11

SOUTH CAROLINA (NBC News/Marist): Romney 34, Gingrich 24, Paul 16, Santorum 14

SOUTH CAROLINA (Politico/Tarrance): Romney 37, Gingrich 30, Paul 11, Santorum 10

SOUTH CAROLINA (PPP Tracking): Gingrich 34, Romney 28, Paul 15, Santorum 14

SOUTH CAROLINA (Rasmussen): Gingrich 33, Romney 31, Paul 15, Santorum 11


NATIONAL (Rasmussen): Obama d. Santorum (48-38)

FLORIDA (Tarrance Group–R): Obama d. Romney (46-45)

TEXAS (PPP): Romney d. Obama (49-42); Santorum d. Obama (49-42); Paul d. Obama (46-40); Perry d. Obama (48-47); Obama d. Gingrich (47-45)

TEXAS 3-WAY TRIAL HEAT (PPP): Romney d. Obama and Ron Paul (40-38-17)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I feel the same way about Newt. I’m sad that so many of my fellow Americans have political rabies at the same time I’m glad that electing down ticket Democrats is going to be easier.

  2. MJ says:

    Rest in Peace Etta James.

  3. puck says:

    Chris Coons, retaining his co-sponsorship to the end, issues defiant statement on withdrawal of PIPA, delivers sour lecture to tech companies:

    “I have heard from a significant number of Delawareans on the issue this week through both digital and traditional channels


    “We cannot pretend that online piracy isn’t an issue, nor can we pretend that the Internet can be a lawless domain. Tech companies cannot blindly profit from the theft of American intellectual property…

    Is that what the MPAA/RIAA tell him is happening out there?

    They must learn to cohabitate the Internet space, and to work constructively with Congress on a fair legal infrastructure for policing that space.

    Um, Senator…. the blackouts and phone calls? That is how you work constructively with Congress.

    It is my hope that those who refused to participate in the process of crafting these bills finally come to the table to be part of the solution instead of marshaling anger at those trying in good faith to do important work.”

    Wow. What a hateful little statement. The tone is really unusual for the Chris Coons I am familiar with. I don’t think that is really Chris Coons talking; I think the lobbyists are inhabiting his body. What he call “marshalling” is really community organizing. Again, that is how you work constructively with Congress.


    yeah, he just marshaled angry (but respectful) email.