How much of an asshole is Mitt Romney?

Filed in National by on January 22, 2012

“The idea that I am supposed to follow exactly what my dad did is not something I find terribly compelling.”

Mitt Romney, as quoted by The Hill, responding to those who note that his father, former Michigan Gov. George Romney, started the tradition of politicians releasing their tax returns in 1967. Nice. He throws his father under the bus, and then backs over him repeatedly. You know, Mittens, many Americans love their parents and do find compelling their advice and their past actions as a guide to how to behave. And even if they didn’t, many Americans still respect their parents. This quote is dripping with a lack of respect, as if he is pissed that his father showed him up or got in his way.

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  1. pandora says:

    Again… why? Why isn’t it compelling?

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is what an empty suit looks like.

    George Romney started the practice. Since then, Presidential Candidates have followed it, and now Mitt wants to stop it. WHY?

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a glass jaw looks like.

  2. rusty dils says:

    Delaware dem, your comments are over the top here. Mitt has spoken often about his love and respect for both his parents.
    I have even heard him say they were his heroes. If you study George Romney, you will see he was much more moderate than Mitt.
    It is just not reasonable or expected in these modern times, with all the information technology at our fingertips to release, 12 years returns. Your implication that mitt is being disrespectful to his father is out of bounds.

    Tuesday mitt will release his 2010 tax returns, and his 2011 estimates. They will be available on his website.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    “It is just not reasonable or expected in these modern times, with all the information technology at our fingertips to release, 12 years returns.”

    Huh? Do you think he might have trouble finding them??

    …and I’ll bet the 2010 taxes will have been recently amended. Will he post the amend date???

    The limited 2 year release just wont cut it with the electorate. The TV ads will be devastating…

  4. rusty dils says:

    I have to tell you the dnc is making a mistake as far as the general election is concerned, barack Obama has managed to conceal his college transcripts for four years, and did not provide proof of his citezenship
    until well into his term. People may not like that mitt romney is rich,
    And only pays around 15%, but it Will all be legal. Pursueing this line of transparancy will cost the dnc the election.
    There has already been a lot of crony capitalism during baracks term, all fairly easy to prove. So no matter how much you hate it that mitt romney is rich, you won’t be able to beat him. All your going to do is waists a whole year of energy whining like a little spoiled kid.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Rusty – you crack me up.

  6. rusty dils says:

    Liberal geek, do you have a position on why Obama has concealed his college transcripts

  7. Jason330 says:

    Yeah Liberal geek, do you have a position on why Obama is hiding his financial aid forms that show he was a foreign exchange student from Indonesia? Where is the log form birth certificate for that matter.

  8. Liberal Elite says:


    Old college transcripts are one thing, but hiding the use of carried interest tax loophole and hiding money in the Caribbean to avoid paying taxes are quite another. The use of either of those would make Romney completely unelectable, and by various accounts, he’s done BOTH.

    And THAT us why he won’t release his back taxes… and the Dems know his weakness, and they very well may even have the goods in their pocket ready to spring on him after he wins the nomination.

    Let me ask you something… If he had done those things to basically cheat the American taxpayer, would you still vote for him???

    …or would you really rather not know?

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I wonder where Rusty’s kindergarten transcript is. I have my doubts that he really graduated…

    So I wonder why stupid people feel the need see the transcript of a guy that was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. Is the theory that this has all been an elaborate ruse? Obama has been faking documents since his birth so that he could skip school and go to Saul Alinski trainings? This seems reasonable to some people?

    Rusty – I’m not saying that you are a racist, but the people that have told you that this never-ending demand for documents was reasonable, are racists. It is an attempt to make Obama seem illegitimate because he isn’t like you.

  10. Jason330 says:

    …whereas, releasing tax returns has been part of the process since Mitt’s Dad started the tradition back in the 60’s.

    Why Mitt doesn’t want to release them makes perfect sense – but he should have thought about that prior to throwing his hat in the ring.

  11. Exactly Jason, especially since Mitt has been aiming for the presidency most of his life. He even had a special arrangement when Bain Capital started that if it failed he could slink back to Bain without taking the blame.

  12. pandora says:

    I think we have OWS to thank. They changed the media narrative. Mitt expected the media and the debates to be focused on debt and deficits – which would have suited him just fine, and was obviously the only thing he planned for.

    He says he’s taking off the gloves for tonight’s debate. Should be interesting since this simply isn’t Mitt’s style. He’s more comfortable in a quiet room.

  13. thenewphil says:

    “Comment by Unstable Isotope on 23 January 2012 at 6:02 am:
    Exactly Jason, especially since Mitt has been aiming for the presidency most of his life.”

    This is exactly what turned me off to John Kerry.

  14. puck says:

    “He says he’s taking off the gloves for tonight’s debate. ”

    This gives me a picture of Mitt elegantly pulling off white gloves by the fingertips and laying them daintily on the podium.

  15. Jason330 says:

    When Mitt removes his peccary leather gloves he’ll be removing gloves made from the world’s rarest and most luxurious gloving leather, originating from wild hogs in South America. Each glove with be worth what most people make in a year.

  16. MJ says:

    The college transcripts is a bullshit issue. It means nothing, but just furthers the “he’s not one of us” line that teabagger asshats like Rusty like to push. Rusty, post your college transcripts. What are you hiding?

  17. JAMES FISKE says:

    This is the first time i have visited this site…run on to it clicking…..but now that i am here i have to tell you the terrible comments here not only is a very bad reflection of the character of those here and does not make anyone desire to support this party of clearly unreasonable, uneducated individuals who blog …blog miss & miss quote both side of the issues…..shame on you all…you got what you wanted…our disrespect for participants of this sort whose brain is dead or alone!!!

  18. Liberal Elite says:

    “….does not make anyone desire to support this party of clearly unreasonable, uneducated individuals …”

    What? We can’t ridicule your candidates? They most assuredly deserve ridicule. And sometimes the best way to convince others is by using ridicule as a tool.

    As for uneducated? …not a clue. The high correlation divide between my views and your views is, in fact, education.

  19. pandora says:

    Sadly, another English teacher will cry her/himself to sleep tonight.