Former state Sen. Charlie Copeland, one of the governor’s chief Republican critics, said Markell’s $1.4 million is more than enough to win a gubernatorial race in Delaware. “I think anytime he leaves the state, he’s having a fundraiser,” said Copeland, who is supporting [little known Brandywine business man Jeff] Cragg. “Why are all of these people out-of-state giving him this money he’s not going to need this year?”
First, let’s answer the question. While the Governor does have out of state fundraisers, the majority of the donations come from Delaware residents. The reason why he has out of state fundraisers is because he does have a national profile, as head of the Democratic Governors Association. In that position, he campaigns for and attends fundraisers for various gubernatorial candidates in other states. He appears regularly on CNBC and MSNBC morning programs. Through those national appearances, our governor has made a good impression, people like him, they like the results he is getting in our state, and thus holding fundraisers for him or just donating money.
Why are they donating money? While Governor Markell has no threats to his reelection, the folks who are donating see Markell as a possible candidate for higher office one day. Markell 2016 are the buttons you are going to see on Return Day 2012. Some are getting aboard the train early so to speak so they have a place in the Governor’s thoughts as he remembers “you were with me when….”
That’s why.
I am suprised Charlie had to ask the question. He knows how the world of political finance works. He also knows the world of politics.
Second, in his question Charlie Copeland made a glaring admission: Governor Markell is not going to need any for his reelect. Why is he not going to need it Charlie? He can be re-elected easily without spending a dime, you mean? Hahahaha. Even Charlie Copeland thinks the state GOP has no chance in 2012.