Delaware Liberal

Soylent Green is People

My guess is that it was a slow day in the Oklahoma State Senate. Why else would this rethuglican legislator introduce this bill?

An Oklahoma Republican is pushing a bill to outlaw the use of human fetuses in food, because, as he says, “there is a potential that there are companies that are using aborted human babies in their research and development of basically enhancing flavor for artificial flavors.”

State Sen. Ralph Shortey introduced a bill on Tuesday “prohibiting the sale or manufacture of food or products which contain aborted human fetuses.”

Though he has allowed that he is not aware of this occurring in Oklahoma, or anywhere for that matter, Shortey cited research he did on the internet that claimed that some companies use embryonic stem cells to help develop artificial flavoring. “It would be a public relations nightmare for a company to use” aborted human fetuses for R&D, Shortey told KRMG Radio, so when asked they usually say something like “we strive to do things ethically.”

Umm, senator, Soylent Green was a movie (the last one that Edward G. Robinson made before his death, by the way). Stick to serious subjects, like protecting Oklahoma’s sheep from farmers who decide to stray from their wives.

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