Delaware Tidbits

Filed in Delaware by on February 1, 2012

Downstate, in the race to replace Sussex County GOP Chairman Glen Urquhart, whose resignation becomes official on February 13, Executive Committee Members Jerry Wood and Michael Triglia have sent letters of their intent to run for the chairmanship. Thoughts, downstaters? Which one is more insane?

Wilmington City Council President Norman D. Griffiths announced today he will not seek reelection, thus ending his 20 years on the council.

Congressman John Carney has introduced the “Drug Shortage Prevention Act,” which obviously seeks to prevent shortages of prescription drugs.

During a press conference Tuesday at Christiana Care’s Helen F. Graham Cancer Center in Wilmington, Carney said that since 2005, the number of drug shortages in the United States has quadrupled and cancer patients have been disproportionately impacted by the troubling trend. Carney pointed out that in 2005, there were 61 different drug shortages; in 2010, that number was 178 and in 2011, there were more than 230 different drug shortages.

Dover Mayor Carleton Carey will be unopposed for reelection this year, because no one filed to run against him in the April 7th elecction.

Last week, the Delaware House voted 37-3 to allow farmers to kill deer on their properties with hand guns rather than shotguns. The bill moves to the Senate. I didn’t realize that this was a problem needing action, and who knew Delaware farmers did not like shotguns.

Delaware’s Controller General Russ Larson is retiring. He has served in that position sine 1996.

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  1. MJ says:

    Wood runs a RWNJ distribtion list. Don’t know Triglia.

  2. Jason330 says:

    “Thoughts, downstaters? Which one is more insane?”

    I lol’ed

  3. puck says:

    Wow, Carney’s drug shortage bill actually sounds pretty sensible, based on the detailed description on his website. Basically it adds some government oversight to the supply chain for making and distributing the drugs, and removes some regulatory barriers, both of which seem to be done in a pretty common-sense way. Somebody – probably the industry itself – has done a pretty good analysis of the problem and pinpointed each bottle-neck in the supply chain. If there is something to criticize about this bill I don’t see it yet. Oh, and Carney is still on his bipartisanship fetish.

  4. walt says:

    Triglia has been a chiropractor in Seaford for many years.

  5. walt says:

    That’s your Delaware legislature for you. For years, at the behest of the Div. of Fish & Wildlife, they have thrown tidbits to the hunters/farmers. And most are about as useless as this pistol for farmers bill. Farmers need RIFLES!, and so do hunters. Restrict their use to certain areas, and keep the cartridge size at 30-30 Winchester class or lower, and there won’t be any problems. Just a lot more dead deer.