Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [2.1.12]

What’s Next?

Saturday, February 4–Nevada caucuses, and the Maine caucuses begin and last until February 11.
Tuesday, February 7–Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado
Tuesday, February 28–Arizona
Wednesday, February 29–Michigan

It looks like all Romney territory to me. So Romney won convincingly last night, but did the Republican Party fare as well?

With 94% of the vote counted in Florida, there have been roughly 1,583,000 votes cast. In the 2008 Republican primary in Florida, roughly 1,950,000 votes were cast. There’s probably about 100,000 votes left to count tonight, but we can already see that despite a growing population, approximately 300,000 fewer Republicans voted tonight than four years ago.

So Republicans are so fired up to beat Obama, that they are not showing up to vote? If there is an enthusiasm gap, it favors the Democrats over the Republicans now.

In Oregon last night, Suzanne Bonamici (D) retained a House seat for the Democrats in the Oregon 1st. She won by 15 points over Rob Cornilles (R).

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