Rush Limbaugh is Right.
Rush Limbaugh had this to say today, and he is right:
They’re doing it because they genuinely have a problem with Romney. And they’re doing it because in Santorum’s case, as I’ve been saying the past couple of weeks, if you’re looking for a conservative who is the least corrupted, who has the least number of periods of wandering off the reservation, if you’re looking for a conservative who’s never sat down with Nancy Pelosi on the couch for any reason, you get Rick Santorum. And people know this… There may be some protest votes in this, but the establishment had better wake up and understand that Republican primary voters are doing this not just to stick a finger in the eye of the establishment, not just to be frivolous here. They’re sending a message. They think Santorum can win.
He is saying that he Republican base is looking for the purest candidate running, and he is right. The radical religious right voter that makes up the Republican base is a purist. And they are delusional enough to believe that, without any doubt whatsoever, that the purest conservative candidate cannot ever be beaten. They believe any loss by a Republican candidate occurred because that candidate was too liberal. Yes, its paradoxical, because any conservative that looses because he acted too liberal acted so to win reelection, but in the end was beaten by a real liberal…… which means….. Americans prefer liberalism…. and conservatives have to act liberal to get elected…. remember compassionate conservatism? …..does not compute…. …..error….. error….. :::head explodes:::
I am very happy with Mitt Romney as a candidate. His gaffes are priceless.
I would be extremely happy with Newt, because he has no self-control and promises to implode in spectacular fashion.
But the idea of running against Santorum? The idea makes me giddy. He would make this liberal’s dream come true.
so were BushII and reagan…. I wonder what role, if any, super delegates will have in the nominating process… they are why i was afraid Hillary was getting the nomination no matter what, and they are why im sure MItt will get the nomination no matter what.
What i dont understand is why people like LImbaugh, who are clearly smart enough to see that if they had just sold MItt to their sheep from the very begining, he would be a strong candidate. He, and the other puppet masters, cant possibly think Santorum or Gingrich could beat Obama… and they have taken part so much in the “how far to the right of Hammurabi can i get” fest…. that now Rmoney is unelectable
Obama v. Santorum …? I don’t know. That one makes me a little nervous. I think the GOP spin doctors and super pacs could do something with the raw material that is Rick Santorum.
Ben i find myself in agreement with all your remarks but the one about Limbaugh being smart this guy fried his brains years ago by abusing drugs.therefore he showed his dumbness by his actions as a junkie.
Rush and the rest of the Right Wing Nut Job media has an outrage dial that only turns in one direction – toward more outrage. they are painting the movement into a smaller and smaller corner.
doing drugs doesnt make you a dumb person, TT. I can think of LOTS of highly intelligent people throughout history who abused everything from alcohol to adrenochrome.
I think Rush plays dumb, but you have to have at least some savvy to be able to manipulate the hoards like he does. Maybe not…. but i still cant shake the fact that there should be some smart GOP shot caller who is failing at his (no/ her… they dont like teh ladies) job but failing to whip everyone in line for Romney…. unless said shot caller knew no one would beat Obama anyway, so might as well make some money off of it…. that is the other possibility.
“if you’re looking for a conservative who is the least corrupted”
Santorum? The Senate’s man in the K Street Project? The sad thing is, Rush is probably right.
Check out that link. Any Democratic campaign planner who can’t find something to work with there should be fired.
I give you Ann Coulter:
see, that skinny old tranny gets it.
Santorum’s victory just proves that fascism is alive and well in the US.
Limbaugh? Ole Rush has always been embittered by not being born early enough to have served as an assistant to Joseph Goebbels.
The only savvy rush has is, how to identify a bumpkin.
Rushs’ popularity can be explained by Joe Bageant, redneck and social commentator.