Delaware Liberal

Romney’s Santorum Problem

I understand (sorta-kinda) Republican delegate math.  I get that, according to those in the know, that Romney is still the favorite for the nomination, but…

Rick Santorum is now the National frontrunner.  If you’re counting, that’s three polls showing Santorum ahead of Romney.

He’s also leading in Michigan.

An American Research Group Poll shows Santorum a 6 point lead over Romney in Michigan, 33% to 27%,  and Public Policy Polling, gives Santorum a 15-point lead, 39 to 24%.

Given all this, can Romney still be viewed as inevitable?  Can he lose Michigan, and it not be a big deal?  Personally, I think Romney losing Michigan is a game changer.

Also… I’m beginning to wonder how effective SuperPacs will be against Santorum.  The guy oozes underdog, and my guess is it wouldn’t take much to make him the ultimate victim while Mitt and his SuperPacs look like bullies who don’t fight fair.  Could going negative on Santorum have a different effect than blowing up Newt did?  I’m beginning to think so.

This Republican primary is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.  And I have no idea how it will end.

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