Delaware Liberal

Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results

Well, this week has gotten away from me. I had planned on start the Tracking Poll project on Monday. Here it is Wednesday. But real life work pays the bills and it selfishly demands my time. So, the poll on Governor Markell’s approval has been open since last Thursday until last night at 10 pm. 152 people voted in it and here are the results:

Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Jack Markell’s job performance?

Strongly Approve — 32%
Approve — 31%
Disapprove — 18%
Strongly Disapprove — 8%
Don’t know / Not Sure / Meh — 11%

Caveat– This is a non-scientific internet poll. But the 63% approval rating for the Governor is in line with actual polls on the subject.

The poll on Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart is now open. It will remain open until 8 am tomorrow morning.

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