Delaware Liberal

Posthumous Baptism

I am Catholic. A non-devout Catholic. A Cafeteria Catholic, as it were. I really do not care about what other Christian denominations or other religions believe or don’t believe. And I am not really offended by what they think about me and my beliefs. For example, I could be offended by the Evangelicals and their belief that I am going to Hell if I don’t “find” Jesus. Like I always tell them, I don’t need to find Jesus. I never lost Him.

But I digress.

Like I said, other religions can believe what they want. What they cannot do, however, is involve me in their religions against my will, or without my knowledge.

From the News Journal:

Mormon church leaders apologized to the family of Holocaust survivor and Jewish rights advocate Simon Wiesenthal after his parents were posthumously baptized, a controversial ritual that Mormons believe allows deceased people a way to the afterlife but offends members of many other religions. [..]

Mormons believe posthumous baptism by proxy allows deceased persons to receive the Gospel in the afterlife. The church believes departed souls can then accept or reject the baptismal rites and contends the offerings are not intended to offend anyone.

Hey Mormons, I don’t make fun of your religion or your beliefs, although I would have ample material if I chose to. In this country, you can worship what you want, when you want. Just as my late grandmother chose to worship God in her own way, as a Catholic, as was her right. It is the height of disrespect and arrogance for you to intrude upon my and my grandmother’s Freedom of Religion. So help me God, if I ever find out that any of my ancestors have been baptized as Mormons posthumously, I will travel to Salt Lake City, go into your Cathedral, and burn any posthumous baptismal certificates I find.

Why can’t you act like normal Christians and be glad with the fact that non-believers will burn for eternity in Hell?

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