Wednesday Open Thread [2.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 15, 2012

Michigan is Romney’s make-or-break moment:

[I]f Romney were to lose Michigan, it is very difficult to see how he can accumulate a majority of delegates … And if Santorum does well in [poorer Michigan] districts, he could transfer that support to the other rust belt states that look a lot like them. The most important of these rust belt states is Ohio, which votes on 7 March. Michigan has somewhat fewer born-again Christians and evangelicals than Ohio (46%) did in the 2008 Republican primary. It had a nearly equal percentage of those making greater than $200,000 to Ohio’s (5%). If Rick Santorum can win in both Michigan and Ohio, I can begin to see how he could conceivably put together enough delegates to reach a majority. He seems to be polling well enough in the south (leading in Tennessee, for example) to win the nomination – even if he loses in states like New York, New Jersey and California (though a recent poll there put him in a close second).


MICHIGAN (Rasmussen): Santorum 35, Romney 32, Paul 13, Gingrich 11

CALIFORNIA (SurveyUSA): Romney 33, Santorum, 31, Gingrich 17, Paul 9

OHIO (Quinnipiac): Santorum 36, Romney 29, Gingrich 20, Paul 9.

“Rick Santorum has zoomed to the front of the line among likely voters in Ohio’s March 6 Republican presidential primary. He appears to be riding the momentum from his victories last week in Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri. Unclear is whether that momentum fizzles as happened to Santorum in New Hampshire after winning Iowa, and as happened to Gov. Mitt Romney in South Carolina after winning New Hampshire and Speaker Newt Gingrich in Florida after taking South Carolina.”

NATIONAL (CBS/New York Times): Santorum 30, Romney 27, Paul 12, Gingrich 10

NATIONAL (CNN/Opinion Research): Santorum 34, Romney 32, Paul 16, Gingrich 15

NATIONAL (Fairleigh Dickinson): Romney 33, Santorum 33, Gingrich 15, Paul 7

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 32, Santorum 30, Gingrich 16, Paul 8


NATIONAL (CBS/NY Times): Obama d. Romney (48-42), Obama d. Santorum (49-41), Obama d. Paul (50-39), Obama d. Gingrich (54-36)

“Romney’s drop in support against the president is attributable to a shift among independents. Last month, independents favored the former Massachusetts governor by eight points over Mr. Obama. In the new survey, Mr. Obama holds the edge, leading Romney among independents by nine points.”

NATIONAL (PPP): Obama d. Romney (49-42), Obama d. Santorum (49-44); Obama d. Paul (49-41); Obama d. Gingrich (52-40)

NATIONAL (Fairleigh Dickinson): Obama d. Romney (45-41); Obama d. Paul (46-39); Obama d. Santorum (48-39); Obama d. Gingrich (51-36)

NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama d. Romney (49-42); Obama d. Santorum (49-41)

MASSACHUSETTS (WBUR): Obama d. Romney (55-34); Obama d. Gingrich (66-19)

CALIFORNIA (SurveyUSA): Obama d. Romney (60-31), Obama d. Gingrich (63-27), Obama d. Paul (60-29), Obama d. Santorum (61-29)


MICHIGAN (Public Policy Polling): Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) d. Pete Hoekstra (R), 51% to 37%, and Stabenow d. Clark Durant (R), 50% to 33%.

“Hoekstra appears to have been damaged by his controversial [and racist] Super Bowl ad. 54% of voters in the state were familiar with it, and within that group 45% said it made them less likely to vote for him compared to only 16% who considered it a positive and 37% who said it didn’t make a difference to them either way.”

MINNESOTA (SurveyUSA): Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) d. Joe Arwood (R), 59% to 28% and Klobuchar d. Dan Severson (R), 56% to 29%.


WASHINGTON (Elway Poll): Attorney General Rob McKenna (R) d. Rep. Jay Inslee (D), 45% to 36%.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Romney better hope that Newt DOES experience his third revival.

  2. cassandra m says:

    The Hoekstra polling is hopeful, in that it looks like majorities in MI are actively put off by this kind of overt racism.

    So what is Romney being hurt by with independents? The negative campaigning? The slouching wingnuttery? And if you are the Obama campaign — how to you keep him in this territory?

  3. SussexAnon says:

    Romney is being hurt in Michigan by his statement that we should let the auto industry die and not bail them out.

    Obama bailed them out, Republicans did not support this and will never embrace it, despite showing signs of success.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    Obama needs to (and i know ill make people angry for this) find a way to quietly stoke the culture wars. He needs to make sure the repukes keep talking about how women should be forced to explain why they are menstruating and didnt get pregant. for repukes to talk about a separate but equal set of rules for teh gays. Keep the discussion focused on extreme right wing social ideology until late august when unemployment is under 7.5 and falling.
    I think another angle is to focus on what is going on in Iran and Israel (which i am truly frightened by) and make sure people KNOW that a republican president means WW3.

  5. Jason330 says:

    GOP Voters: ‘Can We See What It Looks Like With Huntsman And Perry Again?’

    – The Onion

  6. 12 says:

    Socialistic Ben – Couldn’t agree more. I too wish Obama and Joe would come out of the closet!