Sunday Open Thread [2.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 19, 2012

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Happy Sunday.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Chris Coons is a traitor…there I have said it. Yesterday he appeared on Faux News with Leiberman, and other neo cons, supporting war with Iran. Even though Panetta, General Clapper and 16 US intelligence agencies all stated last week, “Iran does not have a bomb, nor are they seeking one”, Chris Coons has joined the crazies in DC who want war with Iran. Does Coons not read the US intelligence reports, or those of Panetta and General Clapper? There is NO concrete evidence that Iran has a bomb, or is near to having one. So why would Coons join the neo con chorus for another war? Do we need another 4 trillion dollar war based on lies and distortions? Another war means no economic recovery for the US. While all this crazy war talk is going on, what do we hear…contraception, attacking women and their rights..All deflections of the upcoming war with Iran. OccupyChrisCoons.

  2. Dave says:

    “Iran does not have a bomb, nor are they seeking one”

    I cannot find a source for the following quote. Please provide or the comment should be marked a paraphrase.

    To my knowledge our intel folks have stated that Iran have construct some of the infrastructure necessary to produce a nuclear weapon but does no0t possess any nor have they made a final decision as to weather they will produce any.

    Coons’ opinion does not make him a traitor to his country, unless you think that loyalty to something like party or Delaware or the Elks Lodge comes before nation. While I do not believe that an hostile action on our part is desirable or beneficial to our national interests (in fact I think it would be detrimental), he may have a different opinion. I am willing to hear the case he makes for for any action. I doubt I will buy the case he makes, but I do understand how that makes him a traitor.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Pat Buchanan is finally fired from MSNBC. And of course he is getting his victim on while the door hits him in the behind:

    “I know these blacklisters,” Buchanan says. “They operate behind closed doors, with phone calls, mailed threats, and off-the-record meetings. They work in the dark because, as Al Smith said, nothing un-American can live in the sunlight.”

    These so-called blacklisters would be the ADL and Color of Change whose primary sin seems to be in denying Buchanan his entitlement to make a ton of money spouting his racist bullshit on TV. Note that he is free to continue to sell his despicable book and he still has his blog and he’ll very likely land at FOX, where his kind of white privilege is the coin of the realm. So don’t buy the bullshit that his first amendment rights are being trampled. Gotta love when the Free Market actually works.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Dave: I’m sure most of you arent interested in the issue of Iran and arent paying attention. Are you saying you havent heard Panetta, General Dempsey and General Clapper commentary on this issue? Can’t help you if you dont pay attention. Panetta testifed in Congress it was on cspan…there are many many sources on youtube where these men have said “Iran does NOT have a bomb”. Chris Coons hasnt been in the Senate even two years and is already aligning himself with the neo cons! Amazing. Its not an “opinion” of Coons if he signed onto the war resolution! Are you supporting him because he is a democrat not because he is an obvious neo con?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Here is another little truth. The US is building a huge military base inside Israel compliments of american taxpayers.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    The NJ does a great (and heartbreaking) job in looking at the documents released related to the Catholic Church’s failure to protect its kids for decades.

    I shouldn’t be, but I’m still stunned by the level of effort the Church made in trying to avoid every single bit of its moral responsibilities here.

  7. puck says:

    You do realize that when you cite you may as well have a cartoon cuckoo bird popping out of your forehead.

  8. Dave says:

    Again, you quoted a source – I can tell because it was in quotes “Iran does not have a bomb, nor are they seeking one”

    Again, I cannot find a source for that quote.

    I also said, paraphrasing what the JCS, Panetta, CIA, et al have said. The do not currently have the in place production capability to build the bomb and no one knows if they intend to just that, but that they do not have the bomb at the moment. Now if I paraphased that incorrectly please advise.

    I did not say I supported Coons. I merely asked how he can be a traitor or if he was traitor to some other group besides his nation.

    Lastly, surely you are using as an authoritative source for an American base in Israel? The very fact that you even browse to such a site is evidence that you honestly are ill informed.

  9. Geezer says:

    “Again, what knowledge could Chris Coons have on foreign policy. Only two years ago he was a low level county executive in little ole Delaware.”

    If you want to play that game, you are going to have to acknowledge that 1) he was THE county executive, not a “low level” one; and 2) you have nowhere near his credentials to opine on anything, so you shouldn’t base your criticism on his supposedly “low” status. Yours is lower.

    Furthermore, you will have to acknowledge that the sources you cite have no more knowledge of what Iran actually has than sources who disagree with them. The fact is that 1) nobody except high-ranking Iranians actually knows anything for certain about that country’s nuclear program progress and intentions; and 2) even if one of those men did, what they said might not be true.

    As for “traitor,” I’ll just file that under H for hyperbole.

  10. Anonymous says:

    In addition to sanctions and a series of state sponsored acts of terrorism and sabotage against the people and nation of Iran, the US and Israel are threatening Iran with unprovoked aggression. Iran is unfairly accused of having an “ambition” to develop nuclear weapons and posing a “threat” to world peace and stability. Of course, Iran is legally obliged to defend itself against foreign aggression. there are literally over 100 US bases surrounding Iran.

    The allegation is a US/Israel manufactured pretext promoted and disseminated by the mainstream media, BBC, Murdock Media,, ABC, NYTimes, CNN, NBC etc. For years Iran has been a target of a vicious and hostile media campaign of distortion and demonization. The media is the second front of the US/Israel war against Iran, a propaganda war, mirroring Iraq.

    Both US and Israel posssess large arsenals of nuclear weapons. Israel has not signed the Non Proliferation Treaty (Iran has). Israel’s nuclear program is clandestine. US tells Iran “you dont have the right to have a nuclear weapon” but turn a blind eye to Israels growing arsenal. Therefore, it is Israel that should be sanctioned and pressured to give up their nukes. Israel is using their “manufactured threat” to acquire even more weapons from the US, while diverting attention away from its colonization of Palestinan lands.

    There is NO evidence that Iran is engaged in a clandestine program to develop nuclear weapons. The Pentagon, 16 US Intelligence Agencies, and the NIE CONFIRMED Iran is not developing nuclear weapons and poses NO military threat.

    Even the IAEA (a US controlled tool) has no hard evidence proving Iran is engaged in developing nuclear weapons.

    Perhaps Seymour Hirsch article June 6, 2001 would be an approved source by the Del. Libs.

    Chris Coons…being a county executive in a small state hardly qualifies him to be an expert in middle eastern affairs. I base mine on experts, perhaps you should do a little online research of your own and see what the experts are warning us about. An attack on Iran would make oil prices skyrocket. There is a youtube video stating Israel says, “we will do the attack, just give us your cannon fodder”…I guess they might mean all those lazy, jobless occupiers! You can file “H” for hyperbole, and I will file “N” for NO research.

  11. puck says:

    “Again, what knowledge could Chris Coons have on foreign policy. Only two years ago he was a low level county executive in little ole Delaware.”

    You gotta start somewhere. Joe Biden was even lower and now for years he has been frequently mentioned for Secretary of State.

    Still I’d rather not see Coons going all Lieberman on Iran. Please try to make your bones some other way, Senator Coons.

  12. June says:

    I am extremely disappointed if Chris Coons has in fact fallen in line with the right-wing over Iran. He knows better. It is very scary that he believes all that crap.

    Here’s what I haven’t understood for years and maybe one of you can give an opinion. I don’t believe Iran is working toward nuclear weapons, but if they were, how do we –the US — have the right to tell them they can’t have one? Eight countries have nuclear weapons, and not all of them are friendly. Israel probably has one, but they won’t admit it. Why can’t Iran have one? Why would we start a war over it?

  13. Anonymous says:

    June: we know that Israel had 400 hundred in the 1970s because Vanunu told us so. So how many could they possible have created since then is unknown. They have never signed the Non Profileration Treaty (Iran did). They refuse to let the IAEA in to see what they have. It is illegal for the US to deliver billions of dollars, wmd, and now its been exposed the US is actually building a base in Israel at our expense. Don’t we have enough financial problems in this country where that money is better spent? With all the poor undeveloped countries in the world, people starving to death, why have we given Israel over one trillion since 1948. I dont get it. We also know that Israel did attack the USS Liberty in 1967 and killed 34 sailors and wounded 174 and tried to blame the attack on Egypt. The survivors were bound to secrecy and though some have passed, survivors are speaking out now. You can google: uss Liberty and see what the survivors found in the archives.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Let’s not fall into Anonymous’ well-documented delusions. I don’t pretend to speak for all Del Libs, but please let it suffice to say that a Seymour Hirsh article from 11 years ago won’t convince many people of your belief. Heck, Achmadinnerjacket wasn’t even president of Iran then. We hadn’t invaded Iraq then and 9/11 hadn’t happened then.

    The Middle-East is way more dynamic with regard to Iran’s nuclear ambitions than it was 11 years ago.

    Finally, Anonymous, I know that you have plenty of websites where you spread your anti-Semitic version of the news. Please limit it to those. Let’s not entertain any further “Israel is the devil” drivel on this thread about an uncloseted Arizona sheriff. Your cooperation is appreciated.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    This is Seymour Hersh’s article on Iran and the Bomb. And this is from 2011, not 2001.

    The thing that sets my hair on fire is the latest orchestrated drumbeating on Iran, of which Senator Coons is now apparently a part. When they start warmongering on a bi-partisan basis, there is something afoot and it isn’t likely real. Like Iraq.

    It is one thing to be able to enrich for nuclear fuel, and quite another to get to the purity needed for weapons. Which is why the business of “having the infrastructure to build a nuclear bomb” is fairly silly. If you have the means to enrich uranium and you have missile technology, you *technically* have the infrastructure to build a bomb. What you don’t have is evidence of intent to build a bomb. And enriching for weaponization is a much harder task than enriching for fuel rods.

    And I’ll point out that for as long as we’ve been making noises about non-proliferation, we have NEVER stopped a country who wanted a nuclear bomb from getting one.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Its really too bad that some on this blog do no research at all. There is literally tons of information, well documented on this issue. Paul Craig Roberts (Reagun administration) has spoken out on, so has Ray McGovern Ex CIA analyst of 40 years who resigned rather than permit the CIA from going along with Bush and Cheney in the run up to Iraq. How anyone who cares about this country would even think of supporting another war based on lies and deceptions is beyond me. As far as Delaware is concerned we must address the reason why Chris Coons would join up with some of the biggest neo cons in the last 20 years?

    Last week Cenk Uger on Current TV showed the run up to war with Iran by the mainstream media all based on talking points of the same retired generals who rushed us into war with Iraq. Will we never learn our history so we don’t repeat it?

  17. socialistic ben says:

    I think you have to be pretty willingly blind to not be at least concerned about israel/iran. remember, neither country is run by rational people. Both countries have minority (that’s important to remember….most of the HUMANS in those countries are not for a nuclear war) right wing leadership. Israel, by the Likud and Hassids (aka Jewish Taliban) and Iran, of course, by the crazies.

  18. Truth Teller says:

    Not only did the church condone the molestation of children but went out of their way to protect the Child molesters. By this action on their part they have forfeited any right to preach to the rest of us on faith and morals. They can redeem themselves only by purging the ones responsible from the present pope on down

  19. cassandra_m says:

    Its really too bad that some on this blog do no research at all.

    There are alot of pretty well-informed people here. What they don’t do is to indulge in stuff like and some of your other oft-cited conspiracy rags to push some marginal weirdness that always seems to be the fault of Israelis. Just that typical line of argument from you masks anything that you might say that is sensible. You’ve made this problem of people mostly dismissing what you have to say. Unfortunately, you’ll never wrap your mind around how to repair that.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Ok Cassandra: Yesterday on CNN Fareed Zakaria had General Dempsey on, the #1 Military man. Why dont you pull up that interview and see what he had to say. Max Blumenthal at the Nation has an article and spoke on Real News TV in DC.

    Dempsey went to Israel and told Bibi the terrible (even Israelies know he is a war monger and fear monger), that the US has appled sanction on Iran (to appease Israel) but, the US will not go to War with Iran. Dempsey even said, “Iran is rational” and another war would destroy not only our economy but the world’s economy.

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    The entire Iran conversation has been moved to the Open Thread. Anonymous, the next time you start an off topic conversation in a thread that is wholly unrelated to Iran, you will be moderated. If you want to talk about something that there is no post on, then post it in the open thread. That is what they are for. This is your first and final warning.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Oh thank thank thank you kind one. Your attitude comes through loud and clear as one that is so negative it bears calling you out. This is your FINAL warning…really…you sound like a right winger…so sorry I didnt know the rules, I am forever in your debt and surrounded by your kindness.

  23. socialistic ben says:

    Even the Israelis…… (and every single Israeli LOVES war!!!)
    As soon as people realize that the issues here are the 2 governments of the nations and not the nations themselves, this conversation will start to look like one between people, and not talking points. Remember how many of us were the ones who deparaetly wanted the rest of the workd to know it was GWB not US (in general) that loved killing brown people? People have taken the extreme Right Wing rhetoric of the people in charge and assumed it is the way the whole populace thinks. When you say something like “The Israelis want to kill the …….” (or vice versa) you dehumanize the people who want to go to work, come home to their family, not get blown up, and drink enough grapa to kill an ibex .

    I think it is very wise for the US to take a very public position of “if israel attacks Iran, they are on their own” I think the only way to ensure that is to keep Republicans out of the White House.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Ben: Our government has done precisely that. Why do you think they sent General Dempsey on CNN? Also Max Blumenthals statement that the Israelie citizens at least 50% are not with Bibi. This is the right wing Likud Party pushing this war, its not the Israelie citizens. Poll after poll in Israel says they want real peace discussions and a two state solution for Palestine. The Israelie citizens are sick of of this fear mongering too. Blumenthal said, on Israelie TV Bibi is telling the elderly surviving holocaust victims that Iran is Hitler, and they will be burned alive with the bombs coming from Iran!!! At least 100,000 he says are trying to get out of Israel to Europe or the US. However, if Israel attacks Iran remember what Obama said, “We will protect Israel no matter what”. So, they will drag the US into it…thats the fear. Dempsey said, there can be no worldwide recovery and oil can go to $200 a barrel. Its all very frightening, we just have to hope enough people are aware and stand with OUR 16 Intel agencies and our Generals trying in every way to appease Bibi and the Likud. Livni must be beside herself as Bibis warmongering and fearmongering continues. She would have made a much better PM.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Senator Leiberman leading a group of nearly l/3 of the Senate urging a red line on war with Iran. The neocon Leiberman has introduced a “Sense of the Senate” resolution that would put the Senate on record rejecting a structure that arguably already exists in which “Iran has the know how to build a bomb” even if it has no interest in doing so.

    This resolution tracks the position of hardliners in Israel PM Bibi, and undercuts the Obama administration whose is exploring ways to negiotiate with Iran.

    So why would Chris Coons want to undercut the Obama administration, Delaware?

  26. Geezer says:

    When you think about it, hysterical anti-war rhetoric is only slightly less annoying than hysterical pro-war rhetoric.

  27. Geezer says:

    If — and it’s still if — Israel bombs Iranian nuclear facilities, my guess is that our involvement will amount to helping handle the Iranian counter-attack, whatever it may be. The “war” that may result won’t be a ground war; we’ll just bomb the bejesus out of the place.

    Odds are that the saber-rattling from Iran is an attempt to rally the public to support a regime that’s not firmly in power. Playing into that is exactly the wrong approach, but it’s the only reaction Bebe and the hawks know.

    I can’t figure out why Coons is taking the position he is, unless a lot of his campaign funding is coming from the Jewish community.

  28. Anonymous says:

    We need to hear from Senator Coons and hear his reasons why he would join the neo cons, instead of standing with the President, the Generals and 16 US intelligence agencies. We call for everyone to call Coons office and ask him to hold a town meeting and explain to us what his motive is. If he is taking large contributions from the Jewish community, shouldnt we the people know that too?

  29. puck says:

    “we’ll just bomb the bejesus out of the place.”

    Or just take out air defenses and let Israel bomb the, uh, bejesus out of the place, and then restock Israel’s ammo.

    In any case, is this really the way to their hearts of the Delaware Jewish community? Are Delaware Jews especially hawkish? I think your everyday right-wing Christian is more bloodthirsty that any given Jewish voter.

    I think Coons is just trying to make his foreign-policy bones, like Biden before him.

  30. socialistic ben says:

    we’ll “just take out the air defense” or “just help israel handle the retaliation” if i republican isnt in office. They (and i include Lebbie in this) WANT a war with Iran. it was the goal before Iraq. Just because “our guy” is in the white house doesnt mean we shouldn’t stay vigilant.
    I think this march to war with Iran has as much ot do with defending Israel and pandering to the Jews (as they call it….. i think Israel has been wrong in almost everything it’s done since Rabbin was killed) as WMD and the freedom of the Iraqi people had to do with THAT war. Notice how the rhetoric ramped up AS SOON AS our precious oil was threatened
    Fuck these people (politicians, oil execs) and their “reasons” Iran has oil, and wont give it to us for free. that is why there will be a war with them, that is why thousands more americans (and probably millions more brown people) are going to die for Leiberman and the GOP.

  31. Geezer says:

    “If he is taking large contributions from the Jewish community, shouldnt we the people know that too?”

    You the person should go look it up.

  32. MJ says:

    Hmm, last time I looked at the FEC website, I don’t think donors to political campaigns had to declare their religion. Maybe it’s something Anonymous would like – easier to round up folks, eh?

  33. socialistic ben says:

    A ton of Jews donated to Obama.
    not that anyone here should need this reminder, but Leiberman, and Schumer, and BB represent a powerful but VERY VERY small minority of Jews. Most of us are liberal progressives who think Israel is being poorly represented by people who make Rumsfeld look like Lennon.

  34. Geezer says:

    “last time I looked at the FEC website, I don’t think donors to political campaigns had to declare their religion.”

    This is Delaware. I’m pretty sure people will recognize the names of other Delawareans.

  35. Geezer says:

    “Iran has oil, and wont give it to us for free. that is why there will be a war with them,”

    If I want to read hysterical hyperbole, I’ll go to Delaware Politics.

    “that is why thousands more americans (and probably millions more brown people) are going to die for Leiberman and the GOP.”

    You are just wrong about this. Nobody is talking about and nobody wants a ground war with Iran, a few deranged war hawks excluded.

    To reiterate: Hysterical anti-war ranting is no more persuasive or accurate than hysterical pro-war ranting. Give it a rest.

  36. socialistic ben says:

    wait a minute. i know it’s fun to attack the crazier people here, but isnt it worth having a discussion about the (increasingly likely) possibility about some sort of military action involving Iran? Especially given our government’s propensity to take us to war for false reasons against our will. This could start under Obama, as a Lybia type action….. however if we were to switch president’s right at the beginning?
    Let us please for once dispense with all the “jews do this and that” and the “you’re a paranoid anti semite” (and im a bigger offender than anyone) bullshit and have a real discussion about the real fact that we are being sold a war with Iran…. and less sold, more informed. I

  37. Geezer says:

    We are being sold on attacking Iran, not a ground war. There’s a big difference, and not just in American deaths. In general, the American public doesn’t care about drone wars and bombing campaigns (c.f. Libya).

  38. socialistic ben says:

    Ive got to disagree Geezer. This is the same shit we were hearing in the summer of 2001. Its the same script that was used to go to Iraq.
    They are developing WMD,
    they are threatening the world oil supply and economy,
    Israel is in EXTREME DANGER RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
    They changed one letter in the country they are talking about.

    and the deranged hyperbole you here on DP isnt “I really feel like we are being taken to war again, how can we stop this freight train” but more “hell yeah! bomb those a-rabs!!!!” easy to get the 2 confused, i know.

  39. socialistic ben says:

    you cant be serious. Iran isnt in the middle of an uprising. If we bomb them (i cant believe this is acceptable to anyone) we stir up nationalism… that equals a huge resistance. It isnt Lybia where we are leveling the playing field for an already happening revolution. We would start something that could easily balloon out. You dont think Russia (with a prime minister who would LOVE to take attention away form the fact he keeps holding on to power) would have something to say? I feel like Europe 1912… everyone has already chosen a side and if any 2 countries get into it, everyone is ready to jump in. It’s a powder keg. I dont know the answer, obviously, but to write off the whole this as “oh’ we’ll just bomb their nuke plants and everything will work itself out” is ….. head shake worthy to say the least.

  40. MJ says:

    Geezer, I know a number of Jews whose last names are Smith.

  41. Anonymous says:

    I just called Coons office in DC. I asked his staff person why he signed that resolution “Sense of the Senate”. He said, Senator Coons “does not believe that he signed an act of war”. Really! There is all kinds of information on the net today that signing that resolution is the first step towards war. Leiberman is one smart cookie, get all the senators to sign up to see how many votes he has for a war resolution. Coons is dumb, naive, foolish. His staff person claims “Senator Coons has been all over Delaware talking about this”. Really: Has anyone out there heard him say one word. I did some checking this morning with some democrats and they never heard him say one word…they too are questioning his reasoning.

  42. puck says:

    I just called Coons office in DC. I asked his staff person why he signed that resolution “Sense of the Senate”. He said, Senator Coons “does not believe that he signed an act of war”.

    Act of war? You actually botched a phone call to your Senator? Now it is going to take ten normal anti-war callers to reverse Coons’s perception of war opponents as kooks.

  43. Anonymous says:

    and Geezer are you that naive to think there wouldnt be a ground war. You think we are just gonna throw a few bombs and leave. Israel cannot do this attack alone. Israel is putting itself in danger of an attack with ballistic missiles. Bibi the Terrible is insane. If Iran attacks back, Bibi will let lose with a nuke…even our own military establishment are concerned about that. We are dealing with far right Likud Party wing nuts in Israel and far right uber wingnuts in US like Leiberman and Graham. This is the same bs runup to war with Iraq, its all happening again. Well if they do and we dont stand up right now, bend over and kiss any hope of economic recovery here goodbye.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Read the Project on American Century, 7 countries in 5 years. That plan is obviously still in effect. Iran is now the top of the list for “regime change”. Iraq like Iran do not want to sell their oil in dollars same with Chavez.

    Crazy is not thinking this is real. Insane is doing the same over and over and getting the same result.

  45. MJ says:

    Puck – leave it to people like Anonymous to really fuck things up. BTW, Anon, where is this secret base the US is building in Israel?

  46. Anonymous says:

    Here is Coons telephone numbers: 302 573 6345, and 202 224 5042 call him yourself. Do something but talk.

  47. puck says:

    “where is this secret base the US is building in Israel?”

    It is in the desert but cloaked under a giant sand-colored yamulke.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Its 10 minutes from Ben Gurion Airport near Beit Arye and Halamish. Barry Chamish wrote the article. Has pictures too.

  49. puck says:

    Just so everybody knows, Chamish is also a UFO buff, and the photos in question are published on… wait for it… The photos show a bunch of big steel shed-type warehouses, a couple of construction trailers, and a small water tower. There are only about six photos but each is repeated a couple of times.

  50. MJ says:

    You know, Anonymous, I’ve read some real bullshit theories on this blog over the years, but yours are really something else. The only things that are within a 10 minute drive of Ben Gurion Airport are homes, homes, and more homes. Are you saying that the US and IDF are using Israeli citizens as human shields?

    Take my advice, drop the hookah and go find another hobby.

  51. MJ says:

    Puck, maybe the UFO’s that Chamish is writing about dropped Anonymous off in Delaware. That would explain his out of this world claims.

  52. Anonymous says:

    Lovely Chamish is an Israelie author! Trying to educate the uneducable is a real chore. I guess if the story was on ABC or one of the other corporate media stations that would be acceptable?

  53. liberalgeek says:

    Let’s try it this way… Chamish is a UFO guy, so you have sunk lower than FoxNews on the “reliable sources” scale. Bravo!

    By the way, I can show at least 2 previous times that you have come here crying wolf ABOUT THE SAME THING in the past few years.

  54. Anonymous says:

    Here you go Geekazoid: here from the horse’s ass mouth…and yeah it was on faux.

  55. liberalgeek says:

    Sorry, little shepherd boy (actually girl) I’ve been hearing you cry wolf too many times… I’m not even gonna click on your authoritative blogspot-hosted blog. Life is too short to waste on fools like you.

  56. pandora says:

    I clicked. Loved the Mayan Calendar countdown clock to December 2012.

  57. Anonymous says:

    It was sent to my by the green party. The question is did you hear Chris Coons and his right wing neo con diatribe. Of course if you really interested in hearing the newest neo con I am sure you can get the feed at Faux news, it was last saturday.

  58. MJ says:

    Anonymous – the plural for Israeli is Israelis, not what you wrote.

  59. Anonymous says:

    LiberalGeek: your a foolish twit. It is most obvious your a zionst Geek. You can call me anything you want, but do you believe General Dempsey, or Panetta, do you believe General Clapper….do you believe the president? Sticks and stones Geek, your such a liteweight hack.

  60. MJ says:

    Here we go, Anonymous reveals his/her true self. Because LG doesn’t believe your bullshit he’s a Zionist? Very weak, spaceball.

  61. liberalgeek says:

    Anonymous – I know who you are. Most of the people reading know who you are. You have been called out before on this blog as an anti-semitic bigot.

    As such, I pay no mind to ANY of your “Sources” like stormfront, UFO Today, or messages you got from your satellite. I understand that some sources and people are poison liars that will be right less often than a stopped clock. You are one of them.

    A lightweight (correct spelling, BTW) is someone who resorts to little bullshit words like Israelie or zionist bankster (a phrase that you have liked in the past). Your sources, your tone and your message haven’t changed in all of these years that I have been blogging.

    You have, in fact, been banned here in the past, but you continue to show up with various personas to try and raise the red flag against encroaching zionism whilst spouting propaganda without one shred of critical thinking applied.

    You don’t know my views on Israel, and it is unlikely that you ever will. I don’t hate Israel, I don’t hate Palestine. But I am very close to hating you.

  62. anon40 says:

    This “Anonymous” person sounds an awful like an idiot who posts similar crap in the TNJ/DO comments. The person I’m talking about is an “Old School” Catholic who somehow missed the fact that the RCC has been corrupt since day 1.

  63. MJ says:

    This Anonymous almost single-handedly destroyed the Occupy Delaware group.

  64. mediawatch says:

    To which idiot TNJ/DO poster are you referring? There are hundreds that fit that description.

  65. anon40 says:

    @mediawatch–I’d identify him by name, but I don’t want to violate the rule against “outing” people on DL.

    He was “classiccom” in the comment section before TNJ switched to facebook comments. He grows crazier by the day.

  66. Geezer says:

    Anonymous: I have already stated my opinion of what we are talking about here. Find one word — one — that indicates we are preparing for a ground war we don’t have any troops for. One.

  67. Anonymous says:

    Is that all your worried about ground troops? Some of you should be watching the “rapture nutbags” on youtube all behind an attack on Iran. Whose crazier.

  68. Geezer says:

    “Geezer, I know a number of Jews whose last names are Smith.”

    My point exactly. Not that their name is Smith, but that you know them.

    Here I am trying to send Anonymous on a time-consuming goose chase, and you have to meddle.

  69. Geezer says:

    If there are no ground troops involved, most Americans will not consider it a “war,” meaning all these warnings about not getting into one amount to a great deal of pissing up a rainpipe. The public simply doesn’t care, and it’s not going to start just because you once again are jumping around like your hair is on fire.

    The argument “those crazy people are capable of anything!” happens to be the same one being used to justify the saber-rattling. I happen to think that argument is a mendacious, foolish way to make any point, yours included.

  70. socialistic ben says:

    It is also what was said about Dick and Bush before we were greeted as liberators.
    Just because there are insane people who blow up Hummer plants (and cause toxic fires) to protest oil consumption, doesnt mean climate change isnt a real concern. You have one person with bad evidence coming from a misinformed platform saying something that is legitimate. Can anyone here say that if the neocons regain control of this country that we definitely WOULDNT go to war with Iran?
    No, i dont have links. I have the history of the past 12 years in this country and a general knowledge of the GOP and “democrats’ like Leiberman. Also war haws like those who run Iran AND ISRAEL… (the party in charge NOT the people) who will NEVER EVER feel the pain of war. They are no different from Rumsfeld.

    No, there is no one saying “let’s send troops to Iran” they wouldnt be that obvious, but no one has ruled it out. “if we HAVE to” “if there is no other choice”.
    Many of you who are panning anonymous have talked about war for oil and war on Islam … (in a “those conservative nutbags love war for oil and war on islam) Why is it different now? because a poster you dont like is suggesting it? Maybe because the horror of a war involving Iran and Israel (cause it wont just be them duking it out) is too much to accept? If Iran attacks Israel (even out of retaliation) you know damn well what the response from this country will be.

  71. Anonymous says:

    15,000 troops on the ground in Kuwait, thousands sent to Israel. you the videos.

  72. Anonymous says:

    MJ: your are totally corrupt and a complete liar. I havent been to an Occupy meeting since November. There are a few real zionists on this blog and you are one. Ben, it wouldnt matter if I said its a sunny day, there are people on this blog, who would demonize me for that. I could care less what 5 people like this blog talking to each other has to say. I ask you MJ are you personally for another war with Iran? Do you believe Senator Coons was correct in signing on with Leiberman? Many of my progressives friends wont even read this blog let alone comment on it because your an attack machine and a demonizer’s. And to Casandra who I understand is running for office, are you giving up your blog duties to do so.

  73. liberalgeek says:

    No Anonymous, you are demonized because what you have said over the course of the past decade has made most suspect that you need more medication.

    SB – Let me ask you a question. If James O’Keefe or Glenn Beck was saying the things that Anonymous is saying here, would you put ANY credence in it? I wouldn’t.

  74. cassandra m says:

    If you don’t care what people on this blog have to say, then WTF are you doing here? Once again, if you weren’t the local font of Everything is a Conspiracy, you wouldn’t have to be here calling people names and pretending that there is something you don’t care about. While you still keep coming here to, you know, spout off conspiracy theories.

    And to Casandra who I understand is running for office, are you giving up your blog duties to do so.

    And your not-so-reliable sources fail you again. Besides, even if I did run for something, it wouldn’t be any of your damn business whether I gave up my blog duties.

  75. socialistic ben says:

    LG they arent saying those things. (actually, Glenn Beck most likely supports a full on God’s Army invasion of Iran.) Im not putting creedence to it because of the poster or their “sources” heck, even Nostradomous guessed right a couple times.
    Israel IS saying there are “circumstances” under which it would preemptively strike Iran. Iran IS saying those things about Israel. Russia IS saying it “would get involved”. The US DOES support israel and you’re lying to yourself if you think a GOP controlled government wouldnt jump at the chance for another oil war. can we dispense with all the lies and just from now on admit Iraq was about money?
    Im not backing Anonymous up because of any affinity for him/her… im saying that i too am hearing and reading articles and such (not from any of the places anonymous is referencing) that say basically the same things. (that the talk and actions surrounding Iran look exactly like a run up to a large multi nation war) Talking about it here isnt going to change squat. If the war hawks in Iran and Israel have decided they are going to war, it is happening. I just hope the big brother states (us, russia, china) stay the hell out of it. I say that as an ARDENT support of Israel and a self proclaimed “Zionist”.

  76. Anonymous says:

    No anon40, I dont post there. More demonization its all you got, no facts and no refuting what the generals, 16 US intell groups state…you shoot the messenger and call yourselves liberals? Amazing.

  77. liberalgeek says:

    Shoot the messenger… There are some obstacles in that plan.

    SB – The point is that you should have at it with your preferred news sources, but you should understand that when Anonymous opens their mouth, the words are spoken with an anti-Semitic tongue.

  78. socialistic ben says:

    I gotcha broseph. It was not the best thread to voice my very real, and i dont think too irrational, concerns that we are heading for a very dark place in regard to Iran, Israel, Russia…. remember that time 2 out of all the rest of.. scientists made some poor decisions in their search for answers on climate change? doesnt make it any less real.

  79. anon40 says:

    @Anonymous–I didn’t say you posted anywhere. I said your rantings seemed very similar to a person who posted in TNJ/DO comment section. I’m not demonizing you or anyone else. Take a fucking valium for christ’s sake.

  80. Anonymous says:

    And DelawareGeek: your an attacker, a demonizer, and a vile human being. It’s truly a wonder anyone outside your tiny group posts anything here, you remind me of evangelical christians and tea baggers. Geek, take another drink, You have called me every name in the book for years, based on your automatic practice of demonizing anything I post. Take a hike. Your never address the issue, you attack the messenger everytime…how liberal of you.

    Anon40: pileon gets you nowhere.

    I offered up information that many people interested in foreign policy are very aware of. Delaware Libs give us a great view of whats going on locally, you get a A for that, but foreign policy you get an F, especially when even the mention of Israel is involved. too bad, too sad.

  81. Anonymous says:

    My, DemocracyNow, the Nation, Huffington Post, General Dempsey, General Clapper, Leon Panetta, Max Blumenthal at the nation, Ray McGoverna a 40 yr CIA Analyst who resigned rather than lie for Bush and Cheney over Iraq, along with 40 other CIA analysts. Ray will be coming to Delaware in the Spring, why dont you all show up and ask him some questions, geez you might even get some foreign education out of the deal.

    You consider yourselves “bloggers” yet are the first to demonize other blogging groups. Your a bunch of juveniles.

  82. puck says:

    “The problem with Internet quotes is so many of them are just made up.” — Abraham Lincoln.

  83. anon40 says:

    Anon40: pileon gets you nowhere.

    Wow. Are you a professional victim, or what? I didn’t pile on or even question what you’ve posted. Grow up.

  84. pandora says:

    “The best way to handle crazy people is to ignore them” – Barack Obama

  85. Anonymous says:

    Oh Pandora: Before I posted anything I thought about for at least week, knowing full well the demonizers on this blog would try to refute the post, demonize me for posting, call me names etc. I guess I should have listened to the real progressives who advised me not to do it…but I did it anyway. Am I sorry, not really…you just proved once again that anyone who disagrees with you or your agenda will be personally attacked, not for the message, but just because you had the nerve to post it. You really should stop referring to this blog as Delaware Liberal and call yourselves what you truly are: center right protectors of the democratic party.

    So I shall assume you all have no problem with what Coons did? Do try to attend the Pacem meeting when Ray McGovern comes to speak.

  86. liberalgeek says:

    Anonymous – Are you so dense that you don’t get that in Pandora’s comment, you are the crazy person. That should be a comfortable position for you. Next time, think about your comment for a few weeks. Your stupidity and paranoia should never deface this blog again.

  87. I don’t want a war with Iran and the saber-rattling lately has made me nervous. The problem is I don’t want my allies to be someone like anonymous. I’ll take my chances with an honest public servant like Coons over anonymous any day.

  88. MJ says:

    Anonymous – Do you even know what a Zionist is?

    I am a Zionist. I have family who were born in British Mandate Palestine and in present-day Israel. I believe that the Jewish people, as promised in the Balfour Declaration, deserve a homeland. I am also a supporter of a two-state solution. I also believe that Israel has the right to protect herself from terrorism and attack. If the sanctions against the Iranian government don’t work, then the West needs to consider another course of action.

    Where I draw the line is when assholes like you come on here spouting off about “Jew Bankers” owning everything and American politicians licking their boots to curry favor with American Jews. Where do you keep your copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? On your coffee table?

    You are an anti-Semitic piece of garbage. I’m not sure where or why you developed this hatred, but it’s sickening.

    And the reason you haven’t been to anything connected to Occupy Delaware since November is that we counseled them to stay clear of you. It appears they took our advice.

  89. Delaware Dem says:

    And with that, this thread is closed.