Delaware Liberal

Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results: Matt Denn

Matt Denn gets to walk into the Governor’s Office this morning and brag: he has better approval numbers than Jack Markell.

Do You approve or disapprove of Lt. Governor Matt Denn’s job performance?

Strongly Approve — 55%
Approve — 18%
Strongly Disapprove — 15%
Disapprove — 7%
Undecided / Meh — 5%

Total votes: 87. Conducted: February 20, 2012

Yes, Mr. Denn has a 73% approval rating, besting Markell’s meager 63% by 10 points. What is Matt Denn’s secret to success? Well, he is witty, down to earth, approachable, has two adorable sons, and he blogs. Actual real blogging rather than campaign or safe political prattle. Of course, he is not a frequent blogger, as I understand his day job takes up much of his time. But still.

So the title of Delaware’s most popular politician (so far) goes to Lt. Governor Matt Denn.

The poll for New Castle County Executive Paul Clark is now up and will be open until tomorrow morning at 8 am.

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