Delaware Liberal

Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Chip Flowers

Chip Flowers provokes strong opinions on both sides. 27% strongly disapprove of him. 24% strongly approve of him. Overall, Mr. Flowers has a 47% approval rating, and a 39% disapprove rating. 14% are undecided or are unsure. The primary between him and Velda Jones-Potter was acrimonious. And it looks like some are not able to give up those resentments. Because I can’t think of anything Chip has done in his job to cause some ratings. Perhaps our commenters will enlighten me.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of State Treasurer Chip Flowers?

Strongly Disapprove –27%
Strongly Approve –24%
Approve –23%
Undecided / Meh — 14%
Disapprove –12%

Total Votes: 146 Started: February 24, 2012

Next up is Tom Wagner. I am not sure what job he holds, because he never does anything.

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