Delaware Liberal

A Young Man’s Response to Pointy-Headed Republicans

A good friend of mine from DC, Bob Witeck, posted a response from his nephew to Indiana State Rep. Bob Morris, who was the only member of the Indiana House to refuse to sign on to a resolution honoring the Girl Scouts. With Bob’s permission, I am sharing his nephew’s brilliant rebuttal.

Response to Rep. Bob Morris
Posted on March 1, 2012

It’s a few days late, but I’ve decided to respond to Rep. Bob Morris’ letter to Indiana representatives about the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of America. (Original article at Journal Gazette.)

Verbatim text of letter from Indiana state Rep. Bob Morris, R-Fort Wayne, to fellow lawmakers.

February 18, 2012

Members of the Republic Caucus

Dear Fellow Representatives:

This past week I was asked to sign a House Resolution recognizing the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of America.

It’s nice to hear from you Representative Bob Morris. I have to admit, though, that before now I had never even heard of you. That’s entirely to my fault—I should know my representatives. Strike one on me. I’m glad you’re considering signing this recognition of one of our country’s most respected organizations. The 100th Anniversary should be an awfully big deal.

After talking to some well-informed constituents, I did a small amount of web-based research, and what I found is disturbing.

I’m slightly disturbed about the kind of web-based research you did then. But how much do you value a “small amount of web-based research” anyways? The other day I couldn’t remember who directed The Good Shepherd (it’s about the CIA, not Jesus), so I consulted Wikipedia and found my answer (it was Robert De Niro!). I ended up spending considerable time on De Niro’s Wikipedia page (did you know that he beat prostate cancer in 2003?). Still, I consider this a “small amount of web-based research,” and I acknowledge that I know only a little about the film career of Robert De Niro and even less about prostate cancer. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m concerned about the amount of research you did. I’m also worried that you’re constituents, having processed the same amount of research, are not so “well-informed.”

The Girl Scouts of America and their worldwide partner, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), have entered into a close strategic affiliation with Planned Parenthood.

Good Lord, someone notify the president.

You will not find evidence of this on the GSA/WAGGGS website—in fact, the websites of these two organizations explicitly deny funding Planned Parenthood.

Well that settles it then! Meeting adjourned.

Nonetheless, abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes sexualizing young girls through the Girl Scouts, which is quickly becoming a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood.

There’s abundant evidence otherwise that proves such a thing? Does that mean we get to go on a scavenger hunt? Maybe we should start with some evidence from a reputable news source?

Planned Parenthood instructional series and pamphlets are part of the core curriculum at GSA training seminars. Denver Auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley of Denver…

Fort Wayne Representative Bob Morris of Fort Wayne, a Bishop in Denver is not the starting place I had in mind. Despite Thy Redeemer Rick Santorum, our country abides by the separation of church and state, so let’s not go making policies based on the proclamations of Denver Bishop of Denver…

…last year warned parents that “membership in the Girl Scouts could carry the danger of making their daughters more receptive to the pro-abortion agenda.”

I hear they’re also plastic-wrapping contraceptives to put in the bottom of cookie boxes as prizes.

A Girl Scouts of America training program last year used the Planned Parenthood sex education pamphlet “Happy, Healthy, and Hot.” The pamphlet instructs young girls not to think of sex as “just about vaginal or anal intercourse.” “There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!” it states. Although individual Girl Scout troops are not forced to follow this curriculum, many do.

I did a small amount of web-based research (Google) and what I found was comforting. The event in question was a workshop at a United Nations event for 30-35 Girl Scouts. Not quite the Little Girl Liberal Army “training program” you were hoping for, was it? According to the Girl Scouts, these pamphlets were not passed out. A writer from the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), who was neither an event sponsor nor present in the room, reported these brochures were found on a table in the back of the room. The story has circulated around a couple of pro-life and Catholic blogs. In short, your argument is based on the flimsiest of evidence, which is problematic if you’re making these claims:

Liberal progressive troop-leaders will indoctrinate the girls in their troop according to the principles of Planned Parenthood, making Bishop Conley’s warning true.

Wait, I forget: in Catholicism, does that make him a prophet?

Many parents are abandoning the Girl Scouts because they promote homosexual lifestyles.

Parents are promoting homosexual lifestyles? Or the Girl Scouts? Either way, how did we get here?

In fact, the Girl Scouts education seminar girls are directed to study the example of role models. Of the fifty role models listed, only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background – all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists.

Are these still legitimate social anxieties? Besides “lesbian”—homosexuality is still a relevant issue for some reason—can you even call a person a “feminist” or “Communist” anymore? I’m not sure “feminist” has been used with negative connotations since the 70s. I guess you Republicans did just go through the Great Socialism Scare, but you do know Communism is different from socialism, right? They’re apples and oranges (or Thin Mints and Shortbread).

World Net Daily, in a May 2009 article, states that Girl Scout Troops are no longer allowed to pray or sing traditional Christmas Carols.


Boys who decide to claim a “transgender” or cross-dressing life-style are permitted to become a member of a Girl Scout troop, performing crafts with the girls and participate in overnight and camping activities – just like any real girl.

That last sentence cannot be read without saying “just like any real girl” in the voice of Gob Bluth.

The fact that the Honorary President of Girl Scouts of America is Michelle Obama, and the Obama’s are radically pro-abortion and vigorously support the agenda of Planned Parenthood, should give each of us reason to pause before our individual or collective endorsement of the organization.

I don’t follow your logic, Bob. It kind of sounds like you’re just listing off things you don’t like.

As members of the Indiana House of Representatives, we must be wise before we use the credibility and respect of the “Peoples’ House” to extend legitimacy to a radicalized organization.

I’m sorry, Bob, but the credibility and respect of the “Peoples’ House” was already devalued and debased by the second paragraph of your letter.

The Girl Scouts of America stand in a strong tradition that reflects with fidelity the traditional values of our homes and our families. The tradition extends from coast-to-coast and back through the past one hundred years.

It wasn’t very persuasive for your argument to state the Girl Scouts’ mission statement.

That said, I challenge each of you to examine these matters more closely before you extend your name and your reputation to endorse a group that has been subverted in the name of liberal progressive politics and the destruction of traditional American family values.

I agree that you should examine these matters and all matters before you sign your name to anything. I only suggest you do more than a “small amount of web-based research,” or at least tap into your most valuable God-given resource: your brain.

I have two daughters who have been active in the Girl Scouts of Limberlost Council in Northeastern Indiana.

We’re most proud of the Limberlost Council.

Now that I am aware of the influence of Planned Parenthood within GSA and other surprisingly radical policies of GSA, my two daughters will instead become active in American Heritage Girls Little Flowers organization.

I did a Google search on the “American Heritage Girls Little Flowers” and the second result was from a recent Catholic discussion forum. My guess is that you’re writing under the username “tropicaljava.”

In this traditional group they will learn about values and principles that will not confuse their conservative Hoosier upbringing.

In some ways, “representative,” I’m ashamed you represent me as a Hoosier. You’re ideologically opposite of me on all issues political and social. Beyond that, with the letter making national news, you’ve made a bit of a nuisance of Fort Wayne and the state of Indiana. In other ways, though, I’m glad that this letter exists because it has challenged the way I look at these matters. And if nothing else, this can only help the Democrat Party.

I have been told that, as of today, I am the only member not supporting the Girl Scout Resolution.

That’s because you’re a nincompoop.

I challenge each of you to examine these matters and to decide carefully whether or not to sign the resolution.


(as long as you’re not a lesbian, feminist, or Communist)

Bob Morris

Thanks for listening,

Michael Jenkins

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